smoking breaks may not be displayed, the recordings had to be stopped, and the sequences were completely deleted from the tape.

So tough were the requirements from the Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s people, as the prime minister’s office and the production company Nordisk Film TV negotiating a new DR3-documentary ‘An uncommon life’, which was sent earlier in the month.

It displays a access to documents, which Ekstra Bladet has been in the correspondence between the prime minister’s office, Nordisk Film TV and DR.

along the Way in the filming of the documentary film came Loop closest associates of the prime minister’s office right up in the red field above the preliminary result.

A record from a meeting in the prime minister’s office in October between Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s spin doctor, Jacob Bruun, and two senior staff from the production company reveals, that Jacob Bruun to say the least, was not satisfied.

in Addition to grumble about, that the word ‘power’ was used often in the program’s intro, and the music was bad, describes Jacob Bruun, according to the minutes as an ‘incompetent way to manage a unique acces, and that the prime minister’s office in no way can contribute to the broadcast.’

Later states that according to the minutes, that it is Jacob’s ‘assessment, to NFTV have angled the programme as ‘For any price’, which is the political journalists Henrik Qvortrup and Lars Trier mogensen’s biography of the prime minister.

According to Nordisk Film TV’s record criticized Jacob Bruun ‘in the whole the mood of the program, which is not much better than the tabloids’.

Bruun attacked according to the minutes also after that, there was included a sequence from the call of Lars Løkke Rasmussen to the consultation on his relation to the kvotekongerne. A case, as the Extra Leaf was to unroll in the beginning of 2018.

Already in the planning stage, insisted the prime minister’s office senior press officer, Jakob Bøving Arendt, to have extended the right to address in the documentary, where a camera crew follows the prime minister on official visits, meetings in the prime minister’s office and, for example, ministerrokader.

‘along the Way, we must continuously (red.) the opportunity to take breaks, stop the recordings, or ask them deleted. Unless otherwise explicitly agreed, the recordings ifbm smoking breaks are not to be used’, write Bøving Arendt, among others, in an email to Nordisk Film TV, where he lists the ‘photo opps’ up, where the journalists can be allowed to follow the Loop.

It applies, for example, visits to the Danish troops and F16 aircraft in the Baltics, to the son Bergurs birthday, on the run with Danish business and strongly suggests that the ancients and on the trip to embedsboligen Marienborg.

Excerpt of email from the prime minister’s office press officer at Nordisk Film TV, with requirements to be able to fix.

At Nordisk Film TV management was according to the correspondence, Ekstra Bladet have seen, prepared to comply with the extensive requirements of redigeringsret to the documentary film.

‘We will take your message quickly on to DR3 – and including also the terms for review with on as in the outlines. Terms which we consider quite reasonable, and uncontroversial’, wrote creative director at Nordisk Film TV, Ulrik Chr. Jorgensen, in an email response to the prime minister’s office press officer.

Of the final contract between the Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and Nordisk Film TV, is stated in the standard terms, to redigeringsretten remain the property of the manufacturer. However, a major section crept into the conditions on the prime minister’s office the right to review and fix in the documentary.

Among others, Nordisk Film TV agreed to let the prime minister’s office claim the recordings are deleted, there is ‘unjustifiably violates the prime minister’s right to privacy’.

Excerpts from the contract that was signed between the prime minister’s office and Nordisk Film TV.

according to an email sent from Nordisk Film TV to the prime minister’s office in January of this year, the agreement is modified, ‘so that it is adapted to your wishes’.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get answers on how often they have asked to have deleted the recordings. The prime minister’s office has not, however, returned at our request.


the TV chef: We had full redigeringsret

At Nordisk Film TV rejects creative director, Ulrik Chr. Jørgensen, that the production company has given acquisition at their free redigeringsret to DR3-documentary.

– The agreement has been entered into a completely normal and it equals with the agreements, we also have made of similar nature, for example with the Royal family, says Ulrik Chr. Jørgensen Extra Magazine.

– The requirements stated in the bl.a., that smoking breaks should be omitted, and that the recordings should be deleted. How much is it done?

– I do not actually know whether there are smoking breaks, that have been deleted, or if you completely failed to film there. But there is nothing in the agreement that we have made, which is uncommon, or in any way changed on that at all times we had full redigeringsret.

– a summary Of the meeting, it appears that Jacob Bruun was greatly dissatisfied with the recordings and bl.a. thought, that the word ‘power’ was said too much. Have you felt that the prime minister’s office attempted to interfere in the areas in the genesis of the program?

– There is no doubt that Jacob Bruun has spoken ift. the program at the meeting where I was not present. And it must be him free. But the example with the word ‘power’ in the intro is very good. We have just held to use the word ‘power’ on the prime minister, which is the most powerful man in the country.

Also DR3-editor Trine Skovgaard, denies having made redigeringsret to the prime minister’s office.

– In connection with ‘An uncommon life’, it was never the intention to make a revealing political documentary, but rather a program about Denmark’s prime minister different life (…) In this context, it is quite normal procedure to let the cast have something to say in relation to the framework for the filming, and set personal limits along the way, and not in conflict with the ethical guidelines for the redigeringsretten, she writes in an email to Ekstra Bladet.