“M-top leave vårdjättes board of directors”

“None of the members of the Swedish parliament sitting in any listed companies board of directors. But it teems with other side quests.”

“Moderaten Kristina Axén Olin has the heaviest of them, as a board member in the private vårdjätten Team Olivia – a mission she is now thinking of leaving.”

“the TT has gone through all 349 riksdagsledamöters side quests, something they are compelled to recognize in writing. No sitting in any listed companies the board of directors, something which recently forced away Cecilia Wikström from the Liberal EU list of selections. She sits in the listed companies Elektas and Beijer Alma boards and lifts all in all 70 000 dollars a month.”

“the Liberal partilledare Jan Björklund found in connection with the party session last week that Cecilia Wikström’s board and the magnitude of the fees is not consistent with her mission as a member of the EU parliament.”

“– It raises issues of trust and focus in the work, said Bjorklund.

“In the screening of the riksdagsledamöternas side quests pops Kristina Axén Olin, the Conservatives education spokesperson, up with a similar heavy directorships, in private riskkapitalägda vårdkoncernen Team Olivia. The company has over four billion in revenues and 13 000 employees and is engaged in, among other things, personal assistance, home care services and schools for pupils with special needs.”

“She doesn’t want to set up an interview with the TT, but it responds, in writing, that she has had some difficulty in reconciling the quests:”

“in Spite of it she writes:”

“How she looks at the fact that Cecilia Wikström was forced away from the party, and if she chooses to step off of the styrelseplatsen in the Team Olivia, she does not want to comment further, not if she owns some shares in the company or how much fees she lifts.”

“the Party has no comments on the Axén Olins mission in Team Olivia or that she is now choosing to jump off of it.”

“In general, according to TT’s review of mps to less than a hundred of them on the boards of various, usually lower level. How much the fees for the directors they pick out is unclear. Many are in municipal corporations, it is the most common assignment, some sitting in the local bankstyrelser and in smaller, local construction companies and the like.”

“As a example, sitting moderaten Kjell Jansson at Handelsbanken’s local bankstyrelse in Norrtälje, sweden. Partkollegan Lars Beckman is a board member of the Swedish Badbranschen. The socialist, Gunilla Carlsson is the president of the council-owned amusement park Liseberg. Liberal Anders W Jonsson knobs as chairman of the party, miljardtillgångar in the investment company Randello, even if the board do not contribute to the decision on how the assets are placed.”

“in Addition to directorships must be members of parliament also disclose interests in companies, such as the ownership of the shares if they exceed 91 000 sek (two times the basic amount) in value per single company, and if they own näringsfastigheter.”

“The 349 members must also indicate which sidoinkomster they have ochu002Feller if they are in receipt of some benefits of a different kind.”