“Mail (FI): Are in a crisis situation,”

“the EU’s heads of state and government have adopted the convention of men’s violence against women.”

“we Now want to Feminist initiatives to be converted into EU-legislation.”

“– I will put it on top of the agenda, ” says Soraya Post.”

“Feminist initiative top candidate in the EUROPEAN elections describes a crisis situation. 3 500 women in the EU die each year of deadly violence, ” explains Soraya Post.”

” And do you know what it costs? It costs 2 000 billion per year – the two Swedish public budgets.”

“Men’s violence against women is on top of the agenda when the EU proposed, after five years, now setting up for another term.”

“the EU’s heads of state and government adopted the convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, the so-called istanbul convention.”

“And now want to Post that it should be used as a base for a new EU-legislation.”

“– the Responsible commissioner has received several member states to ratify the convention, but she meets resistance.”

“– Then I have suggested that we can have a EU-directive, and that she was not at all against it – rather the contrary. So I have big hopes.”

“It is the commission which lays the legislative proposals in the EU. Without a document from the commission is therefore no legislation in the EU, why Post in the last few years devoted much time to affect the department.”

“FI wants the EUROPEAN union to push member states to introduce a samtyckeslag according to the Swedish model. That the EU must secure free and legal abortion in all EU countries and that the union should introduce a ban against the purchase of sexual services, where the buyer is criminalised.”

“the mep says she”

“If it has Mail written several resolutions, as well as a comprehensive report adopted by the parliament.”

“– and All EUROPEAN institutions now recognise that anti-gypsyism is a specific form of racism against the roma and that it is the one that is grundordsaken to the situation of the roma.”

“– All-talking anti-gypsyism, and it will now give the commission broader mandate to work further on this issue.”

“the Feminist initiative is included in the socialist partigruppen in the EU parliament. They will agree on the most part and, in particular, when it comes to social issues, such as equality, working conditions and human rights.”

“According to the Post, however, Feminist initiatives on a different ideology and that is why they are not united in all areas.”

“For example, is the mep completely against the enhanced defence cooperation. FI does not want any military forces whatsoever – nor any joint border patrols.”

“the Commission’s proposal to extend the Frontex agency, with 10 000 new border guards says she tvärnej to.”

” I think that the EU is on completely the wrong path. We buy us free and we can not do so. First and foremost, we must ensure that there are safe routes to the EU, says the Mail.”

“HH: So no more agreements similar to those with Turkey and Libya?”

” No, absolutely not, for we can see where the money goes. They will strengthen the Libyan coast guard and flyktingcentren, but I have met people who have been there. They get tortured and exploited as free labour.”

“What comes partigruppens proposal to introduce a common carbon tax, Mail is not, however, absolutely critical.”

“She really thinks that taxing rights should be national, but we believe that the climate, as well as the issue of men’s violence against women, calls for drastic measures.”

” Generally, we are not for supranationalism in the form of tax. But we think that it is good, precisely because we find ourselves in a state of emergency.”

“– You need to move on up because I think you thought a little bit for the long term. However, we do not believe that the tax should be retained in the EU, but the respective member state.”

“What question is top on the priority list?”

“– To ensure that men’s violence against women must end.”

“Which committee would you like to sit in?”

“– I’m sitting in Libe (committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs) and I will continue to do so.”

“you Will report your kontorspengar in public?”

“– Then in 2017 we have a congress where we have said that we should save receipts to be able to report where the money goes. I don’t send them out, but if you want to come down and watch you do it.”