Criticism of the International swimming federation Fina has been in existence for several years.

It has been called ” an undemocratic organization that is controlled by a gubbvälde, and who do not listen to the swimmers.

Previously, however, the criticism for the most part been an internal matter of simvärlden.

When it reached the public that Nice has not given the go-ahead to a competition in Turin, which would be the beginning of the new simligan International Swimming League, the ISL – and threatened swimmers with avstängningshot if they put up – they went a step too far.

The earlier something low-key criticism was turned to loud.

page have the past few years trying to repair his reputation with the swimmers by among other things, increase the prize money at the championships.

A measure of the swimmers rather perceived as an attempt to put a plaster on a bleeding wound that is so deep that the patient needs to be sewn.

Swimming is a världssport, but the majority of mästerskapssimmarna difficult to get the everyday life to make ends meet financially.

They are totally dependent on contributions from their national olympic committees and federations.

the , the biggest star is the everyday of course different. There are also those who benefit from the prize money of the championship has increased.

the Stars are, of course, also those who can sign lucrative sponsorship, and in this way secure their own future.

With that as background, it is easy to understand why it is so important that it is the stars that lead the fight to improve the sims ‘ terms and conditions.

Through their actions, they show that it is one for all, all for one.

the swim was going to lose attractiveness when Michael Phelps left off, but there is no evidence to suggest it.

But if the Fine should be able to continue to sign lucrative tv contracts and sponsorship needs alliance and active in pace.

The divisions that the world now gets to take part of the benefit Finas brand.

in other words, the solution would be simple.

Give Fine the green light to the Ukrainian businessman and billionaire Konstantin Grigorisjin to pull in time the International Swimming League, ISL, at the same time as they make sure that the swimmers get the greater part of the league’s revenue will all live happily the rest of their days?

Unfortunately, that is seldom the reality so simple.

position to the ISL – where the swimmers would be able to serve up to 45 million – may be indirectly given the support of the International olympic committee.

In connection with the European olympic committee meeting in early november spoke of the IOC president Thomas Bach about the importance of maintaining the european model, where international and national federations control and not commercial forces.

It also suggests that the swimmers get through the desired changes is to Fine shown in the past that they are reluctant to listen to the outside world.

In conjunction with the world CHAMPIONSHIPS 2017 re-elected in Kuwait Husain Al Musallam to the Finas first vice-president.

This is despite the fact that Kuwait was not even participating in the world CUP that year because they were blocked because of laws that interfered with sport in an inadmissible way.

This despite the fact that Kuwait simförbund tried to stop his candidacy, but was rejected from the Fine because they did not recognise the people behind the protest as representatives of the kuwaiti swimming.

Not even to The Times a few days before the election published a recording in which Husain Al Musallam in the role of director general for Asia’s Olympic Advice in talks with a chinese marknadsagent requested that the ten percent of the sponsorsumman would go to him, played no role.

should therefore not expect rapid change, except perhaps when it comes to one thing.

Although the ISL was stopped this time, there are ambitious plans to take the in time the league the next year. You win the suits filed in the united states learn Fine get lay down flat, despite the IOC’s support.

But the conflict goes deeper than this league to be or not to be. Therefore, is a yes to ISL a beginning – but no end.

Simon Sjödin: ”the Suits must move down from the lyxlivet”