If you are one of those who think that a trip to the cinema with the kids has been a tremendously expensive pleasure, it is not just your imagination that plays you a trick. According to figures from Statistics Denmark, the average price of a movie ticket namely increased nearly 75 percent since the year 2000.

part of the increase is due of course to the general price development in Denmark, but nevertheless is a movie ticket in 2018, on average over 25 percent more expensive than it would have been if it had followed the general development in the consumer price index since the turn of the millennium.

What is the cpi?

the Purpose of the cpi is to illustrate the evolution of prices for the goods and services included in household consumption on Danish territory and is an economic indicator used to measure changes in the prices that households pay for goods and services.

The percentage change of the consumer price index is a measure of inflation and is a key economic fundamentals for the kingdom.

the consumer price Index used, among other things, to regulate the contracts, pensions, wages and rents.

Source: Statistics Denmark,


the People: the Tickets are too expensive!

the Extra Leaf has taken a walk past the copenhagen cinemas to hear what regular people think about ticket prices today.

– the Prices of movie tickets are good, they bother me not. You get so much more when you go to the cinema.

– I get some quiet, when I’m in the cinema. Telephone bimler does not suddenly, and there are no children crying out for their mother. So it makes me not something to pay a little for it. For me it is a space.

– the Prices are too high! So it is said.

– I have just been to the cinema with my daughter, and when I saw the price, I thought, ‘what, it’s not even a helaftensfilm’. They’ve got a proper jerk upward.

– For a couple of years ago we were inside and see ’the Apes Planet’. Just for me and my two children, I came of with almost 500 dollars JUST for the tickets. Then comes the sweets and soft drinks by the side of. So it was an expensive affair.

– I have no doubt that if the prices were set a little down, then there would also be more to come in the cinema.

– the Tickets have become quite expensive… Also too expensive, unfortunately. My buddy and I have just been in to see ‘Us’ by Jordan Peele, and tickets cost $ 95 apiece.

– the Increase in ticket prices is pretty annoying, because they had been cheaper, had we been inside to see some more movies. Now-a-days you really have to assess what it is for a movie, you will want to check and see.

– going To the movies has become such something that you do every third or fourth month, where before in time in each case was about once a month… maybe even once a week.

– ticket Prices are too high. Specially when you are a student or have a gap year.

– Why pay 100 dollars to go one time in the cinema when you can pay 70 dollars for a month of Netflix? It does not seem quite balanced, even though it is super annoying, because it is a completely different experience to go to the cinema.

– If you are a family of five it costs quick 500 dollars plus popcorn and everything else. If it was cheaper to go to the cinema, we would certainly make it something more. It may just be a little more economical to wait for the films to come out on Netlfix.


Biografdirektører: the Price is due to the development

the Extra Leaf has submitted information on the gross fares for the directors of Denmark’s two largest biografkæder.

– the price increases linked to the new offerings, which come on the market since the year 2000. Therefore one cannot completely compare the average fare from the years 2000 and 2018, explains Kim Brochdorf, managing director of Cinemaxx Denmark.

among others We have introduced 3D and IMAX, which requires some heavy investment.

According to the Brochdorf to be a part of the reason also lies in the fact that the cinemas are forced to pay expensive royalties to them, they buy their movies.

– We pay up to 50 percent of our sales of tickets to the film producers. When we make an investment, we therefore have to raise prices further that it can answer itself, he says.

– My expectation for the future is that our standard fares in the starting point follows the consumer price index, but if there comes new technological approach, it is of course something we are aware of.

Similar explanation can be found at the director of Nordisk Film Cinemas, Casper Bonavent.

– Our price movement is due to that the cinema experience must be developed, which requires that one all the time reinvesterer in services and products, he says.

– It is, among others, such things as 3D and 4DX, but also the appearance of the cinema, and comfort, and our technical equipment, we invest much heavier in than you did previously.

Furthermore, the director does not, you can keep the price of a cinema ticket up to the consumer price index.

– We are not comparing the price trend in theaters with the consumer price index, but on the price developments that have been on the oplevelsesindustrien general. Looking at the cafés, restaurants, hotels and similar price movements have actually been greater, he explains.

– We must constantly look at how we can optimize gæsteglæden, so if we hit a point where prices get too high, it is clear that we have done something wrong, but it is not something we experience with our guests, said Bonavent.

On the graph below, you can see both what an average movie ticket has claimed since the turn of the millennium, and what it should have cost, if the price had followed the developments in the consumer price index: