The N-VA last weekend, its demands submitted to prime minister Charles Michel (MR) to its minority government of MR, CD&V and Open Vld to continue to support. The party would be four concrete requirements have been formulated. Michel explains the three remaining parties in the government this afternoon and pull tomorrow to the parliament, but says that he “will not let be intimidated by the blackmail of N-VA in connection with the voting of the budget”.

According to the prime minister late N-VA’s approval of the budget depend on either early elections, or the confederal flight ahead. “In both cases, in which conditions unacceptable , ” said prime minister Michel in a very clear communication. “The government will continue to safeguard the interests of the citizens to ensure, in particular in terms of purchasing power, security and climate change issues. The budget is adopted in committee and supported by the minister of Finance ( when N-VA’Johan Van Overtveldt , TT),” said the premier. “There is since no euro more to have changed.” But at N-VA said Theo Francken, and Geert Bourgeois this morning for the start of the party office that the budget “is more than what tables and figures”. “The budget is linked to the policy.” the

As is known, the minority-Michel II but 52 on the 150 Votes, and has therefore the support of other parties to, for example, this week the budget to get approved. Already N-VA, declared in a series of weekendinterviews are sheet expensive like to sell.

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in practice, it would N-VA, four requirements on the table laid, Michel currently tests for the remaining coalition partners. First of all, would the N-VA want the parliament grondwetsartikels for revised declares , writes The Time. Only in this way can there be a new reform and has the N-VA views on the requested confederalisme. “The revision of the constitution must urbi et orbi will be realised, as agreed in the secret Atoma-notebooks,” says an anonymous N-VA at The Time. the

Also wants to be the party that the budget as agreed is carried out and that there are no new taxes, recovering any deficiency, to close it. In addition, the Arbeidsdeal from the Zomerakkoord be fully implemented, including the coveted faster decline of the unemployment benefits in the time, the so-called degressivity.