“Michelle Obama cut – ”trite and flat””

“the Corresponding performance was held last night in Copenhagen – but where was it thumbs down after the show.”

“the”Flat feeling”, ”banality”, the bizarre notion”.”

“the Report was not gracious in some Danish reviewers after Michelle Obama’s appearance at the Royal Arena in Copenhagen.”

“the Newspaper Berlingskes reviewer handed out three of six possible stars to Michelle Obama’s performance. The same balmy score gave the newspapers B. T. and Ekstra Bladet.”

“Around 11 000 spectators was on hand when Michelle Obama held a lecture based on her best-selling book ”My story”. The most expensive tickets cost 3 500 Danish kroner (approximately 4 800 Swedish kronor (sek), a fact that Berlingskes reviewer took note of:”

“”How much reed förstadam-the wisdom to get of 3 500 sek? The response highlighted two hours later: Surprisingly little,” says the writer also affirms that the audience left the performance with a ”high banality”.”

“Ekstrabladets reviewer tried to strike a more conciliatory tone, and notes in its text that Obama has so much charisma and charm that she has, at times shines through. But something new may already read her book, not with him, according to the writer also, the author gives Obama a swipe, albeit dubbeltydig:”

“”In many, actually most, ways it is a disgusting self-aggrandizement. But behind all the nonsense, it seems in one way or another to be a woman that you would like to share a round of tequila with the”.”