Jack Hermansson (30) took a new step towards the world, when he won over the american Gerald Meerschaert (30) for a button week ago.

He won in a very convincing and dominating way. In amerikanerens hjemmebur, in Wisconsin.

– Now I’m mentally where I should be to go all the way to the top. I can beat anyone, says Jack Hermansson to the Newspaper.

He has all the way been a humble approach to his sport. He has taken step by step.

– Yes, I believe it is the right way. MMA is much more than one might think. It to reach the top in this sport involves the ability to have respect, ” says Jack Hermansson.

Krigsveteran to push the thoughts of the MMA-Jack on the space in front of the grand battle ” Plus Starved

Jack Hermansson has undergone a lot to get to where he is today. He described his tough time in an article in the Newspaper right before the fight in Wisconsin. Where he for the first time told about life in a booth, in a frozen apartment. Hungry, when he had not money for food. When the immune system broke down because of vitamin deficiencies. That he too easily became sick. And that one of the consequences was that he lost large parts of hair.

Plus the article you can read at the bottom of this matter.

Jack Hermansson believes that all of this has helped to mould him to the fighteren he is today.

– I have never gotten anything served on a sølvskje. I have always had to work hard, ” he says.

Hermansson is aware that there still are several steps on the ladder towards the top.

I’ve decided that I’ll be there. But it will take at least two years. What I’m hoping for, is that I will soon be ranked among the 15 best in the world. From there it can go fast. But it requires probably a couple of fights. And that I win them, ” says Jack Hermansson.

The Joker

He had barely a scratch in the fight against Meerschaert. He has a brand name now. Based on his nickname The Joker. And that he dominates in the games he runs. “The Joker Dominates”. That he has printed up on T-shirts that he sells to his fans.

STRIKER: so Far mean Jack Hermansson that he has been the best with the punches. Now approaching him to be the complete MMA fighter. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more Guillotine

And that was what happened in the cage the night of the previous Sunday. Jack Hermansson dominated completely. And he won on the so-called submission. With a guillotine. A stranglehold that prevents blood flow in the hovedpulsåra to the head.

Reacting sharply on that superstjerna taunted the living: – Disgusting

Meerschaert came not out of the grip. He understood it quickly and drained out, as it’s called. It is a signal you give with one hand, so the judge can see that fighteren reports that enough is enough.

Jack Hermansson is the big star in MMA-Norway. He has gone seven matches in the world’s toppdivisjon UFC. And he has won five of them.

– I feel that I am mentally where I should be, when I now can look forward towards even greater challenges. I have worked well together with Tommy (Fjeldheim) with the mental. And it works great. The cooperation will continue, ” says Jack Hermansson.

Tommy Fjeldheim is a krigsveteran who has specialized as operational advisor.

It was especially with the fight against Meerschaert, was that Hermansson won on submission. Down on the ground.

MENTAL COACH: Jack Hermansson has operational advisor Tommy Fjeldheim as a good shade. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug Show more

He took Meerschaert on the amerikanerens best field. Namely, wrestling along the ground. The video below shows the decision.

It had I not actually believed. In advance I thought that I had the best chance of striking (stroke). But I had practiced a part of the giljotingrepet also. When the chance came, I had to grab it, smiling Jack Hermansson.

New tricks

During the treningsforberedelsene he had also concentrated on to innøve new forms of kicks. But there was never the opportunity to in the short battle.

– Innlæringsprosessen stop never in this sport. But now I have at least a few new tricks for the next battle, smiles the Norwegian MMA-star again.

That he hopes will be 15. march in London.

I can go fight now, I. So little I know after the last game. I hope to go up against a ranked opponent. Then increase my chances for himself to be ranked among the 15 best. UFC lets be happy rankete opponents meet each other. There is then the possibility of a tittelkamp approaching too seriously, ” says Jack Hermansson.

MMA-Hermanssons unknown history: Lived in the storage room, starved, and thought he would freeze to death. Plus