Mia Karlsson will soon be out and organise kvällstävling for children in Sollefteå Skis IF, where she is chairman of the board. An hour ago she watched her 19-year-old daughter Frida take world CHAMPIONSHIP silver.

Standing up, walking in front of the tv, ” she says on the phone.

” No, absolutely not.

” I talked with her before, and it is horrible to not be with. It always used to be with all the time in the past, but all of a sudden how she’s all by yourself. She had a plan and it was what you wanted, she would cope and keep their plan. It looked like she opened it completely controlled, but it was fast. But I think she did her job exactly as she had planned.

and with Therese Johaug, who was seven seconds ahead at the half tiokilometersloppet, just after a mere four.

– Completely untrue. We know that she can ski fast, but so fast, no, it felt unreal. So I had to take a picture right on the femkilometerspasseringen. We shall remember, ” says Mia Karlsson.

– She has always been very goal-oriented, she has always been boundless in a positive way. She likes to do things that she never have done before, move the borders, from that she was small. And today, she has really moved a limit, I do not think that she herself believed that this was possible. She was ten years old when she nagged that she would be up at Kebnekajse, we held out for a year. Before she turned eleven we were up on Kebnekajse. All the time she wants to, she’s going forward. Then she does the job on all levels. Hours, strength training, the mental part. She has the right people around him. I think it is very important to succeed all the way out.

Mia and Frida Karlsson, after a competition in Falun, sweden, in January. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

this weekend in the DN about when she herself was ill in anorexia in his own skiing career, and how the club where both Frida Karlsson and Ebba Andersson grown up working with the athletes to feel good.

” I think it is A and O to perform. Then, I think that it is many times forgotten. Looking at the technology and the hours and strength training. It is totally irrelevant if you do not look at the man. And we try to lift down pretty early in ages, ” she says.

She has not had time to talk with her daughter than when DN reaches her.

” You saw, she was completely… as she is enjoying. For it is here they train for the whole year. To get successful when it comes to the most. And I think she will really enjoy and celebrate this in their own way. And do it along with all the others.

frida’s mother had anorexia – want to break the taboo