“Mutiny near in Mays government”
“A mutiny is in the making in the Theresa Mays of the british government, by reason of brexit – and ministers want to get her demoted as soon as possible, report the british media.”
“It is an outright coup is in the pipeline, reports Reuters with reference to the söndagstidningen the Mail on Sunday. Business is reported to want to install the brexitförespråkande minister Michael Gove as a temporary prime minister.”
“Tim Shipman, politikredaktör on The Sunday Times, reports via Twitter that he had spoken with eleven ministers on Saturday who all want Theresa May to resign. They will set her against the wall on Monday.”
“According to the Shipmans data is one of the ministers David Lidington, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove closest to the hand to replace on a temporary basis.”
“– the End is near. She will be gone within ten days, ” says an unnamed minister, according to Shipman.”