It is almost 50 years since man last trod the Moon. Not since Apollo 17 left the Moon in december 1972, the UNITED states or any other nation engaged in the costly affair, it is to send people to the Moon.

But now it is Nasa’s plan to celebrate the 50året with even a lunar landing. In 2022 a man will again walk on the moon, but not everything will be as when Neil Armstrong and co. fascinated the whole world.

NASA has plans to outsource space exploration. In november announced that they will pay a little over € 17 billion. dollars to the company that will undertake the task to bring Nasa’s equipment.

the 50th anniversary of the moon landing

today it is 50 years since man first went into orbit about the Moon. Six months later took Neil Armstrong is the first step on the grey ball of rock, which always hung over our heads, but as it took us several thousand years to reach. Although we are now in a half a century have had the technology to get to the Moon, so it is still a mystery to us. Is it just a beautiful and alluring celestial body, which has been the inspiration for innumerable people’s dreams, religions, poems, songs and movies. Or give our inhospitable neighbor key to our onward journey and discovery of the universe’s nooks and crannies? NASA is searching for now with renewed force one of man’s oldest questions and plan new månemissioner may already be in 2019. Extra Leaf looking in the occasion of 50året for the first rumalders biggest breakthrough of the first moon landing, and forward to the possible reappearance of a new space race.

According to the NASA-chief Jim Bridenstine will they exploit the competition between the different companies in order to get the cheapest price.

In the long term, the new måneprogram lead to a manned base close to the Moon.

– On the moon is that water and other valuable resources. We will learn how we can utilize these resources, so we can bring them back to the earth as it drinks, oxygen or fuel. The moon is still full of secrets, says Thomas Zurbuchen from NASA.

NASA will open the first round in January 2019 and has even made a list of nine american companies that they consider to be able to lift the task. Among them are giant Lockheed Martin, which also produces the new F-35 fighter jets, which Denmark has purchased.

A new study confirms that found in the water frozen form of the many craters that pervade the Moon’s surface, and it is the resource NASA is interested in. Not only because they think that their astronater so can get fresh drinking water, but because water can be converted into hydrogen and oxygen, which can be used to create fuel for rockets.

– If we can create fuel depots in space, so we need not lug it all from the ground. It is in fact the restriction which has prevented us from exploring the outer space, says Angel Offences-Madrid, director of the Center for space resources at the Colorado.

Society ’the Eagle has landed’

To operate the mining on the Moon, however, may prove to be an extremely difficult task, as the gray ball of rock is not exactly a hospitable place. First, there is no oxygen. Secondly, the temperatures extreme. Depending on where the sun is alternate the between minus 173 degrees and plus 127 degrees. It provides, among other things, the challenge that even if it manages to transform an ice reservoirs to the water, so there is a big risk, it evaporates and disappears in the black air before they can reach to collect it.

the First step is still, however, as it was in 1969 – to get back to the Moon.