The Danish car dealers have been more than commonly busy with to put number plates on new cars in the past month.

In all 26.323 new cars during the month of march rolled out from the galleries. It is equivalent to that each time around is come plates at 35 cars, and it is the record. The number of nyregistreringer has according to The Danish car importers have never been so high in a single month. Compared to the same month last year, the sales, for example, 33 percent higher.

It writes the organisation in a press release.

According to the director of The Danish car importers, Gunni Mikkelsen, due to the high selling, to many cars in a while so in addition to the increase in the price of 1. april.

– There have in recent months been a view to increases in excise duties on a wide range of car models. It has got consumers to buy cars in February and march, which has resulted in a record sale. The parliament seized the happily check and kept the car tax rates unchanged, and thus the consumers harmless, which the responsible parties behind the agreement, of course, must be commended for, he says in the press release.

The potential tax increase, as Gunni Mikkelsen mentions, was a result of, vehicle manufacturers must now abandon the fuel economy of their models after the WLTP standard.

It is more accurate than the old NEDC standard, which it replaces, but it also means that multiple models in the paper runs shorter per. litres of fuel. Just the fuel consumption is of great importance for how much one must pay a registration fee, and therefore stood some cars according to bilistorganisationen FDM to rise up to 20,000 dollars in price.

14. march was the government and the Danish people’s Party agreed to move the mark up until 2021, and then dealers could take it a little bit more with ro, writes The Danish car importers. The demand for new cars fell, and today, the market is stabilized again.

– We have expectations that demand in the coming months will be more normal, writes the organisation in a press release.

the Market for electric cars still represent only a fraction of sales, but in comparison to the same period last year there has been a marked improvement. A total of 530 electric cars rolled according to The Danish car importers out on the Danish roads in march, and it is an increase the on the whole 377 percent compared to march 2018.

It also brings the total number of electric vehicles sold in 2019, up on the 1006, which is synonymous with the green end of the range already is well on its way to overtake 2018 measured on the number of slutsedler. Just 1545 electric cars were sold all of last year.

Tesla has in the first quarter of 2019, the intake space as the most popular elbilproducent with 413-selling models. The u.s. bilbyggere is even well ahead of the competition from Hyundai, which according to The Danish car importers have sold 255 cars in the same period.

On the third place follows the Nissan with 90 sold electric cars.