“New rules for family reunification at the time,”

“Soon, more types of refugees the right to bring his family. The board expects that the new rules make that 8 400 more to come to Sweden in the next three years.”

“Perfectly reasonable, and important, from the integrationssynpunkt, like migration minister Morgan Johansson (S).”

“– this will not lead to any new refugee crisis, ” says Morgan Johansson on to the rules for family immigration will be more generous.”

“– Less than three thousand a year is not so much seen to the great whole, ” he says, and recalls that Sweden received 10 000 asylum seekers in the week, during the refugee crisis in 2015.”

“at the moment the department of justice with a proposal to be submitted to the riksdag in the spring. Time is of the essence, since the temporary tightening of the law will expire on July 19.”

‘ S, MP, C and L agree to extend the temporary law for two years, and at the same time changing the rules for family reunification. Persons eligible for subsidiary protection shall have the same right to be reunited with their families as refugees. Above all, it is about syrians who came here after the 24 november 2015, when the rules were tightened up.”

“We talked then about to create for ourselves a breathing space, so that we can take care of those who will – and that is exactly what we have done,” says Morgan Johansson.”

“In a preliminary assessment to the department of justice, the migration board expects that the 8 400 more so-called matters regarding reunification will be granted 2019-2021, than with today’s stricter rules.”

“It is not likely that all of the around 20 000 who have received temporary residence permit in the category of persons eligible for subsidiary protection in recent years, to apply for family reunification. With the family means in this context is the person closest to the nuclear family. These include, for example, not adult siblings.”

“– All that has come does not have family in their home countries, ” says Morgan Johansson.”

“– When we strained the, the effect was that more went with the whole family, even if it got harder, harder, and perhaps more dangerous.”

“the Parties and ministers tend to justify the stricter asylreglerna with that Sweden may have more generous rules than other countries in Europe. But the migration board made the assessment that more generous rules for family immigration will be restricted in effect. Around 1 000 more asylum seekers per year is estimated will choose Sweden as country of asylum because of this.”

“One explanation is that the stricter the law of large remains, among other things with a temporary residence permit, as a general rule. Another reason is the border.”

“When the temporary law was launched, it received harsh criticism from several bodies of the preparation was sloppy. Also C and L belonged to the critics.”

“But when the law is extended, there are no plans to address the shortcomings. A more comprehensive review of migration policy should instead be made in a wide-ranging parliamentary committee.”

“– We write on the directives now, and it should be on the ground in the spring, ” says Morgan Johansson.”

“The temporary aliens act entered into force in the summer of 2016, and means that only people who have protection status, a refugee has the right to family reunification, provided that they meet the requirements of the supply.”

“Those who have received protection status subsidiary protection, which applies to many who come from Syria and applied for asylum after november 24, 2015 only in exceptional cases, the right to family reunification.”

“family members include husband, wife, registered partner or cohabiting partner, and children under the age of 18 years. Other relatives or children who are 18 years of age or older can not come to Sweden, if the person has received a temporary residence permit. For those who are under the age of 18 years count for the parents as immediate family.”

“Source: the Swedish migration board”