It was used during the WORLD cup in football in 2018, and it is used already in several leagues.

Videodommersystemet WAS (Video Assistant Referee) will now also be part of the Champions League.

The union of European Football associations (UEFA) decided in december last year, to videohjælpen must be introduced from the round. It is, therefore, on Tuesday evening, that WAS may come into play for the first time in the Champions League in Rome and in Manchester.

After a successful test, and the training of judges in the course of the past few months can now be used in the upcoming Champions League matches, writes UEFA on the association website.

UEFA-dommerofficer Roberto Rosetti has had a decisive role in the implementation of WAS in the Champions League, and he is sure that it will be a success.

– We are confident that it will be an advantage for the tournament. It will reduce the number of erroneous decisions, he says.

WAS used already in the English cups. For example, got Tottenham striker Harry Kane is awarded a penalty kick after the use of WAS in the League Cup semi-final against Chelsea.

WAS will only be used when there is clear and evident to some violations, which can be kampafgørende, explains Rosetti and elaborates:

– WAS used in connection with situations that lead to the goal, penalty kick, direct red card, and a doubt about which player has committed a misdemeanour.

If there are no obvious videobevis for that which is judged wrong on the pitch in the first place, will WAS not be used.

Also in the Bundesliga in Germany, the Primera Division in Spain and Serie A in Italy used videohjælp.

the Clubs in the Premier League are introducing from next season, and UEFA has also decided to use WAS, among others, in the Europe League final and the Nation’s League finals.


Uefa has decided that videodommersystemet WAS (Video Assistant Referee) must be in use from round. WAS can for the first time come into play in the Champions League on Tuesday.

the Judges shall judge matches in Manchester and Rome, being the first, who may make use of videohjælpen in the Champions League.

Here you can learn about how VAR is used in the Champions League:

* A team consisting of four persons follows the fight on a monitor and can contact the judge on the field, if they see something that the referee did not catch.

* WAS the team checks for clear error, which is related to four situations: goals, events in the goal area, red card and in order to ensure, whether it is the right player who gets a penalty.

* WAS the team controls all the events that may have kampafgørende importance, but will only take action when a clear and obvious errors. The judge can choose to stop the game if the referee is in doubt on a ruling.

* If the WAS provides clear evidence of a serious mistake in a situation, WERE the team to ask the judge to watch the playback of footage in the review area near the track. The final decision is taken by the referee on the pitch.

* can also take account of any violation, prior to a kampafgørende situation. For example, it may be offside, and if in doubt about whether the ball is inside or outside of the goal area.

* the Evaluation process will be communicated in the stadium by using either stadionskærme or speakers.

* WAS introduced in order to get vital dommerfejl to life.

* VAR has been criticized for creating too long of breaks in the game.

Videohjælp are already being used in tournaments such as the FA Cup, the League Cup, the Bundesliga and Serie A.

the Clubs in the Premier League are introducing from next season, and Uefa has also decided to use WAS, among others, in the Europe League final and the Nation’s League finals.

Source: Ritzau

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