The Danish cyclist Mattias Skjelmose Jensen denies that he ever should have tried to cheat.

Before christmas, he was otherwise sentenced to a ten-month quarantine of The International Cykelunion (UCI) for breaching anti-doping rules.

he did, because he 26. in may last year delivered a dopingprøve under etapeløbet Tour dy the Pays de Vaud, with traces of the substance methylhexanamin, there is a performance-enhancer.

Since both the a – and b-sample showed traces of the substance, selected the UCI, in consultation with the anti-doping-agency WADA to grant him ten-month quarantine.

But he claims in a written response to the Jyllands-Posten, that he has not taken anything to cheat.

‘I have never, never in my life taken illegal drugs. I drink almost never alcohol.’

‘We still don’t know exactly where the fabric has come from, but we are sure it originates from a of the supplements I have used, although I’ve always checked the labels on everything that I have eaten and drunk,’ he writes.

The young actor explains that he considers that the UCI ruling hard, but that he at the same time accept it, as he feels he is to blame for the fact that there is found illegal substances in his body.

‘I take it, of course, to note. The UCI’s decision shows that it is not something I have done intentionally, and I can easily think it is hard, but I also need to just accept that it is my own fault.’

In the Danish landsholdstrikot ended up Mattias Skjelmose Jensen to win the Tour de Pays de Vaud, there is a total of seven stage races on the UCI calendar, but the result is so at the behest of the UCI has been canceled.

Although the normal penalty for such an offence is two years in quarantine, the UCI, in the judgment laid emphasis on the fact that Mattias Skjelmose Jensen at that time was not of legal age, and that he has admitted his guilt. Therefore he gets the penalty-reduction.

in Addition he has self-suspended himself from the 7. July, why the UCI recognises that it is the date of the quarantine. Mattias Skjelmose Jensen can re-run the race 6. may of this year.