Individual silver medallist Schmid jumped 127,5 metres, while Riiber landed at 123 meters.

The German team with Fabian Riessle and individual world champion Eric Frenzel impressed in the ground. They jumped, respectively, 130 and 128 metres and goes first out in the langrennet, but there is not much that separates.

Japan (Akito Watabe and Yoshito Watabe) goes out eight seconds behind, and Austria (Bernhard Gruber and Franz-Josef Rehrl) 22 seconds Norway and 27 seconds. It is set to be an exciting battle for the medals.

It was a step down from the training yesterday. It is boring to go up and have to be careful and not fleske as I usually do, but 27 seconds is quite small before langrennet, said Riiber to NRK.

I’m pretty well satisfied. It was a normal jump, and it is the most important thing in a lagkonkurranse. One must not try on anything any hocus pocus and havarere, said Schmid of the NRK and expressed that he is optimistic about the chances before the langrennet.

” It will be a very exciting cross-country, and we are optimistic. We are well prepared langrennet and to be with to fight, any time about the gold medal, said sportssjef Ivar Stuan.

the SKI world CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAM Thursday 21. February

At 12: 00 noon Prologue sprint: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen
Kl 14.00 Finals: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen

Friday 22. February

At 10: 30 Am Jump storbakke: Combined (HS120 in Innsbruck)
At 16.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Saturday 23. February

11: 00 Am 15 mile skibytte: Women
At 12: 30 pm 30 miles skibytte: Gentlemen
At 14.30 Jump Storbakke: Gentlemen

Sunday 24. February

Kl 09.15 semi-finals lagsprint: cross-country Skiing women and gentlemen
At 10: 30 Am Jump lagsprint: Combined
At 11: 30 Finals lagsprint: Sprint freestyle cross-country skiing women and gentlemen
13.30 Hrs Lagsprint combined 2 x 7.5 km cross-country skiing
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse jump: Innsbruck

Tuesday, 26. February

13.30 Hrs 10 km classic: Women
16.00 Qualification jump: Women

on Wednesday the 27th. February

Kl 14.00 15 km classic: Gentlemen
At 16.15 Jump: Women

Thursday, 28. February

11: 00 Am Jump normalbakke: Combined
At 13: 00, Relay cross-country skiing: Women, 4×5 km
Kl 15.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Friday 1. march

Kl 13.15 Relay cross-country skiing, Gentlemen, 4×10 km
16.00 Jumps Gentlemen, normalbakke

Saturday 2. march

11: 00 Am Lagkonkurranse combined: Jump normalbakke
At 12.15 30 miles: Women, freestyle
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse combined: cross-country Skiing 4×5 km
16.00 Mixed lagkonkurranse jump: normalbakke

Sunday 3. march

At 13: 00, 50 miles: Gentlemen, freestyle

Can you beat your friends, rivals, cross-country skiers, and experts in the Fantaski?

the Newspaper, and Swix launches a new manager games for cross-country skiing. Here you can set up your own team consisting of six girls and six boys in front of each verdenscuprunde. You get points based on how your athletes are performing.

the Game passes the entire season, but you win prizes each and every round.

Play here