“Orkanstyrkor when the storm Jan pull”

“Weather: Several class 2-warnings have been issued”

“the Storm Jan has pulled in over the mountain with hurricane force in the villages.”

“Several of the class 2-warnings were issued and roads and train services have been suspended. “

“Even the high coast bridge on the E4 motorway has been closed for the traffic after the strong winds. “

“– It blew up to 30 metres per second, ” says Thomas Johansson at the Swedish transport administration. “

“During the Friday morning had the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute issued a number of class 2 warnings for winds in Härjedalsfjällen, the mountains of jämtland and the southern and northern Mountains. “

“It means an average wind of at least 25 metres per second, and the wind can in the villages amount to hurricane force.”

“the Culmination is expected to reach during the fredagsförmiddagen and then subside in the evening.”

“But even during the night to Friday, it was windy when the hurricane-force was measured at several locations in the country. “

“In the Stekenjokk in northern sweden were the most for a wind speed of 49,7 meters per second in the villages before placed inside the la of. “

“”be prepared for power outages””

“the County administrative board in Västerbotten, has called on residents to gather together the essentials and not venture out unnecessarily, and be prepared for power outages. “

“– We encourage, inter alia, to tie loose items, bottle drinking water, buy candles and batteries, and can charge mobile phone, ” says kriskommunikatör Lilian Johansson to Västerbottens-Kuriren. “

“Several households in the town of Pajala, Haparanda and Jokkmokk missing during the Friday morning stream.”

“the Swedish transport administration during the evening and night to Friday closed several roads in the stormdrabbade areas.”

“During the Friday was the E 10 and E 12 on the Norwegian side off due to the harsh winds and in combination with the snow,” says Thomas Johansson at the Swedish transport administration’s press office.”

“E10 will be closed until 06 on Saturday morning.”

“the high coast bridge off”

“During the day were closed, even the high coast bridge on the E4 highway, according to SVT News, Västernorrland. Instead led to heavy traffic on the through road 90, 333 and 334, and the passenger cars via the route 90 and 332.”

“– It was because of the harsh winds. It should have blown up to 30 metres per second, ” says Thomas Johansson at the Swedish transport administration’s press office to Aftonbladet. “

“Even the trains between Kiruna and Narvik, and between Östersund, sweden and Duved has been set. “

“Even some of the buses in the worst stormdrabbade areas have been set and the tours have been shortened, according to the, Länstrafiken.”

“In Dorotea municipality will fjällskolan in Risbäck to be kept closed, and also to students in Åre can get the uk set if not länsbussarna can operate on the roads. “

“the Big risk for avalanches”

“Even in the Jämtland Mountain municipality took a decision to set parts of the skolskjutsarna and also school and pre-school in Ljungdalen has decided not to stay open.”

“the municipal employees have also been asked to work from home and in the Västerbotten fjällkommuner is the standby mode in home care.”

“– the Patient in home care who live in inaccessible fjällbyar can stay in Tarnaby. It is a preventive so that they are not likely to be snowed in, ” says Madeleine Rinman, communicator at Storumans municipality to Aftonbladet. “

“the Risk for avalanches is also large in the Western vindel mountain states environmental protection agency. “

“Calls for great caution”

“It is described as a four on a five-point scale, which means large lavinrisk. “

”Lower your ambitions and plan not to steep skiing in the weekend, after a hearty game of need the snow time to recover”, calls on the environmental protection agency.”

“Even in the south of the mountains of jämtland is considered the hazard to be significant, a third on the five-point scale. It will take a few days for lavinbedömarna to get aware of the situation, and therefore are now invited to the great caution.”

“The hard winds are expected to continue throughout Friday but subside in the evening. “

“After the hand will vindbandet shifted to the east and touch the Northern inland and the coast, where there is warning of very harsh gusts of wind. “

“Over the weekend is expected to the winds, however, calm down.”

“– But it may continue to blow in the northern Mountains even during the Saturday, where it will last the longest, ” says Malva Lindborg, meteorologist at SMHI to the TT.”

“the Storm has on Thursday received the name Jan by the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute, since he has a name day on Friday, and due to the previous storm, Alfrida was named after a woman.”

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