the Norway – Denmark 22-31 (11-18)

HERNING (Dagbladet): Håndballgutta lost the world CHAMPIONSHIP final against Denmark.

So considering the Review efforts of the Norwegian player from 1 (worst) to 10 (best):

Torbjørn S. Bergerud (goalkeeper) 2

Three rescues. Struggling to find the good flow and it is far between the highlights. Ends on the 18th in save percentage.

Espen Christensen (goalkeeper) 2

Start off well with three saves, but then suddenly everything in. Just over 20 in save percentage.

Completely overrun by Denmark: – Blytungt

Bjarte Myrhol 4

Veteran can’t manage to put their mark on the match. A battle on the regular, without the shine. One goal.

Magnus Jøndal 8

One penalty missed, otherwise effective. Norway’s best. Ten goals.

Christian O`Sullivan 4

No grand battle of playmakeren. Struggling a bit with to crack the Danish forsvarskoden. Zero goals.

Sander Sagosen 4

much, but there are too many errors to come. Norway’s biggest star can much better. Four objectives. Seven misses and errors.

Kristian Bjørnsen 5

Approved efforts. Two goals. A bom.

Gøran S. Johannessen 5

Unable to dominate as he has shown earlier in the world cup. Three aims. A bom.

Magnus Gullerud 4

Struggling a bit at the start and is replaced by Øverby in central defence. Zero goals.

Eivind Tangen 4

Get a lot of playing time on the right edge of the unit. No toppmatch. A bom. Zero goals.

French cheers after scoring in the last second

Petter Øverby 4

Come into the central defence, but struggles a bit with the strong danes. Zero goals.

Magnus Abelvik Red 3

Start off well, but then comes a lot of mess. Misses too much. Seems to be characterized by lårskaden. One goal. Three bom.

Harald Reinkind 3

Comes in 2. place. Score one before it gets more errors. One goal.

Henrik Jakobsen 4

Come in, and get around a quarter of an hour when the battle is settled. Little involved. Zero goals.

Espen Lie Hansen

Not enough playing time to be considered.

Alexander Blonz –

Not enough playing time to be considered.

Rated by Fredrik Ø. Sandberg.

Luck is smiling for the O’Sullivan: – I am very happy that I met her