Two chinese pandas need to get out on a longer flight to Denmark.

Pandas have been checked one last time, and now they are ready to be loaded into boxes and taken to the airport.

It tells the veterinarian Mads Bertelsen, who is sent out from the Zoological Garden in Copenhagen, denmark and follows the animals on the long journey.

– Several years of preparation are about to culminate, when we get get them loaded in boxes.

– They have been isolated from the other pandas in order not to pick any infection up before the departure, says the vet.

It is a longer journey that awaits the pandas.

First they have to on a three-hour long flight from Chengu Panda Base to Beijing.

Here is a stay of some hours before they must be loaded on board an SAS flight bound for Copenhagen.

the Trip takes nine and a half hours.

Xing and Mao Sun, as the pandas called, get food with you from home.

– the Pandas get a packed with 500 kilos of bamboo. For the duration of the flight, we are counting on, that they probably eat 30-40 pounds.

– the Rest, they eat as in Copenhagen, so we get a kind of smooth transition to the bamboo, they must eat in Denmark, says Mads Bertelsen.

Experience is that pandas pretty quickly calms down once the plane is in the air.

Once the boxes are closed, and the plane is in the air, fall the animals probably to the ro.

– They will probably think the whole thing is strange, but probably they will just start to gumle on some food, says Mads Bertelsen.

the Animals therefore does not get the sedative before the trip.

– We would normally provide something soothing. But it is not the tradition that they do in China. And since it is their responsibility to send animals off, so they are not, says Mads Bertelsen.

the Pandas loaned by the chinese as a kind of gesture towards Denmark.

They will be housed in a brand-new pandaanlæg in the Zoological Garden in Copenhagen, denmark at a cost of 160 million dollars.

The black-and-white bears are arriving on Thursday evening to Copenhagen. 10. april gallaåbning with the participation of queen Margrethe, and other guests of honour.

11. april can the visitors see the pandas in their new surroundings.