Privatleasing – this requires you to think about

Privatleasing of passenger cars is on the rise.\nHär sorts Aftonbladet out the advantages and disadvantages of privatleasing of the car:n– It will not be cheaper to lease, ” says Robert Collin, Aftonbladet motorexpert.

at Least the eighth privatregisterade car is a leased car and great interest. The number of nyregisterade car leasing in the beginning of the new year is on the same level as in the previous year.

”Privatleasing looks cheap out”

But what does privatleasing?

And what are the advantages / disadvantages?

Privatleasing means långtidshyr a car for three years and then either return the old car or lease a brand new car. Each month, you pay a fixed cost.

– For only 999 per month. It is a budgeted cost. No unpredictable costs. A convenient way to have a totally new car, ” says Bertil Moldén, ceo of Car Sweden.

the Customer gets a brand new car with the latest environmental and safety technology. In many agreements, it is included in addition, winter tyres, insurance and service.

– the Dealers are running a very aggressive marketing. You can only see a low cost. You do not need to pay a car for the 200 000 sek or take a borrowing costs. The lease expense is attractive. But it is just as insidious as taking a vacation on credit. To pay for the trip after you come home in a year. It looks cheap when you are in the midst of it, ” says Robert Collin, Aftonbladet motorexpert.

there Are several expensive traps

It sounds good so far. If nothing unpredictable happens.

– The thing to remember is that you need to be versed in what privatleasing means. You are responsible for the car. You can’t return it in a condition that is worse than normal, but that you get to pay for it. You should take care of the car in a good way, ” says Johan Holmqvist, bilhandelsansvarig of the MRF.

– there is damage, you must regularly repair them. Otherwise it can be a harsh economic shock at the end.

– In the skötsamme it is very rare, but the do not care and do not have to put themselves into their contracts can get great surprises. But it is not like you are not allowed to have stone chips or dörruppslag after three years and four thousand miles, ” says Holmqvist.

The same applies to mileage. At the signing of the agreement, enter the number of miles you may drive per year. The most common is 1500 miles. Do you run more you have to pay for övermil.

”It’s a reasonable calculus”

the Car’s condition and any övermil can in the end be really expensive. Aftonbladet bilexpert Robert Collin holds up a warning finger:

– It is nothing like the dealers the stresses it directly when you lease it. It will not be cheaper to lease. The calculations look like so that it is cheaper. But so cheap it is not really. There is too much that is uncertain, I think.

He believes that it is difficult to protect against damage regardless of how well-behaved you are.

– When leaving back the car, it has to be worth sek 100 000 but when they look at the so is it only worth 70 000 sek. Good solution was to react on other things than what an individual would make on a resale, ” says Collin.

Would you by any reason want to cancel the contract before the three years – be prepared that you may pay the bill where also. In the vast majority of agreements, you must pay back 35 percent of the remaining lease payments.

” It sounds rather expensive but is a reasonable estimate. Somehow you have to bring down the cost, amortization, and it must come from the one who will stand for the part, ” says Johan Holmqvist, bilhandelsansvarig of the MRF.

you should consider before you privatleasar