liver pate with soft cucumbers. Roast beef with limp roasted onions.

Klaus Riskær Pedersen first poll is lukewarm as a packed lunch without the mother’s love.

the Poll from Ritzau and Voxmeter, who came in the day around frokostid was not the push, as Klaus Riskær Pedersen probably had hoped.

– It is not good, ” notes Henrik Qvortrup, Extra Magazine’s political commentator.

the 1.4 percent of the electorate will vote at the party Klaus Riskær Pedersen, shows the measurement, which, incidentally, predicts overall majority for the five parties in the red camp

– There is much to be done. If not Riskær after the first week of ordinary attention, manage to pull more than it, so it is difficult to see through an election campaign.

the Danish policy – 25. feb. 2019 – at. 11:54 of the First measurement: How to stand Riskær Pedersen

– I recall that when the New Alliance posed 12 years ago, they held a press conference, where they basically not said anything other than that democracy is the fat. The following Sunday, they stood in a poll to 28 seats.

– A halvforkølet 1,4 procenst-measurement does not give Klaus Riskær a momentum. If he were to have had a ride in it, so should the measurement have been above the two percent estimate, Henrik Qvortrup.

– He has had a difficult start with several bad cases. It is on the part of the background, not okay nicely with 1.4 percent and he has maybe the chance to recover from here?

– of course, The. He can travel, ” said Henrik Qvortrup.

I just think, he commits a huge error by deciding that he will support the Loop. In this way does he advance a large part of the protestvælgerne, just going for the candidate who says that those at Christiansborg palace are some klaphatte.

– Many in the segment are thinking, I think, ‘if we are to support the Loop, so we stand by’. I think easily he could have kept it open, who he would point at, say, Henrik Qvortrup.

Klaus Riskær Pedersen says to Ritzau, that he has decided not to comment on polls.

A number of boring cases has hit Klaus Riskær Pedersen since he presented his party’s stand as a candidate in the last week.

among other things He has excluded a member and called the 50-year-old woman for ‘a cute girl’.

It has also emerged that he has moved all of its business activities to London, because he is not allowed to run a business in Denmark after his prison sentences for financial crime.

at the same time, it is clear that he still has a debt of almost 170 million dollars to the people who have lost money in his failed erhvervseventyr.

politically managed, he saw the uncertainty whether he really points at Lars Løkke Rasmussen as prime minister, when he came in the bitter infight with the Liberal party’s Jan E. Jørgensen on the tv.

In the night he struck, however, fixed in DR2’s Deadline, to the Left-the man is his preferred candidate for the post.

the Extra Leaf has also revealed how Klaus Riskær Pedersen tried to the laws of misappropriation of party funding-funds in a highly creative lånemodel.