A little hospitality touches more and more families with children in Finland. The child the mother of the family told how poverty affects everyday life and how christmas will be fine, the indigent family.Christmas brings great additional concern a little bit of wild child in the family. Stock. Most of the Photo

the Mail slot of the bump and the letter from the bundle fell to the hallway floor. the Sarah , 46, fetch mail from the ground and a long sigh – insurance payments and phone bills should be coming soon again to pay. Mail among, there’s also a flyer, which the children always before marked the christmas gift wishes. The stress rises to the surface.

money worries have been present in the Raija and her four children in everyday life since Raija resigned from their children’s father.

– the Difference with our standard of living fell drastically. Today, the children’s father to pay alimony, but that’s just it, Raija sighed.

family christmas arrange grants

the Approaching christmas will get a little wild in families with children often stress peak at the time. Joyful celebration is overshadowed by concerns about how on earth to arrange the children a memorable christmas, when money’s tight. Also Raija feel these families in pain: children’s christmas gift lists are long and the christmas food dreams even months before christmas eve.

Although christmas is not the most important thing the food and the gifts, yes the children of those who years waiting to be excited. Therefore, they want to offer their children.

Raija get his kids christmas presents today the needy in the Facebook group and charitable organizations. Christmas food family trade of surplus food distribution. Raija is grants really appreciate.

I don’t want my children to experience the ice of its christmas the joy of not only our situation, he adds.

Cheaper home search

after the Divorce, Raija had to seek help from social services, so she could get the deposit together for our new flat. Currently, he lives with his children in the apartment, which the rent is 1100 eur.

social services is called in search of cheaper housing, but Raija has experienced its challenging. Currently, Raija looking for her and the children to a new apartment, because the original idea was to change christmas to a new home. It remains however, most likely a dream.

– it Is difficult to find a suitable apartment, which was your current home more affordable. This apartment is just good for us, because there’s enough room for me and my four kids.

the Home is also near the children’s schools and the bus stop, which is good, because my illness because I couldn’t drive my kids to school, Raija said quietly.

Raija told the spirit of christmas future rather being than matter. Stock. Most photos medical expenses eat up a large part of income

currently, Raija get a sick pension, the Coil housing benefit and child benefit per month for a total of 2000 euros net. The amount he pays the rent, phone bill, insurance and a bus pass. The expenditure after the family had left 300-400 euros money for food and medicines.

– We will go to monthly a lot of money for my children’s ADHD and asthma medicines. The rest of the money to buy myself drugs, if I can. I would like to get the reel from add support for drug costs, but so far I have not yet received it, Raija said.

– These revenues, we’re doing the just and right, but you have to constantly think about purchases and to compare the store prices. Clothes should always buy at a flea market, and often I repair old clothes, in order to avoid new buying for that purpose. Unexpected expenditure, such as, for example, an appliance breaks down, get budget messed up for several months, because I can’t get money in everyday life at all in the reserves, he adds.

a little hospitality cause headaches also trade trips, as Raija had to count shopping price calculator, before their payment. The situation has caused him shame, which is why going to the grocery store feel uncomfortable.

Mental endurance put to the test

Economic stress, in addition to additional worries of everyday life that Raija’s long-term illness, which is why he has been on sickness benefit for several years. The disease affects Raija endurance, and sometimes he gets a pain in the scenes, resulting in only sleeping help.

– Fortunately, the symptoms stay pretty much under control with medication, Raija said.

the Children’s attitude to the tight economic situation preoccupies many parents – how to explain to the child that something can’t afford to purchase? Raija according to the open speech is the key.

– it Is important to teach children the value of money and that money grows on the tree. My own children are, fortunately, already enough big, that they understand the situation very well.

Always Raija has not been able to take the economic situation as rational. Years ago faith was tested in earnest.

I Was pretty depressed because of the situation, because all the bills started piling up, and I had to ask more payment time from several invoices. I was unable at the time to think rationally very stress, Raija recalls.

Then I remember that the children panicked. I had to take it upon myself to catch up and pull yourself together for their sake. I don’t want my kids to have to suffer money problems, he continued.

Though the money you are often in mind the approaching christmas and with your family to spend the time to get a smile on your face. Raija according to the children’s genuine joy is the best christmas gift that he can christmas get. Subsidies it is also possible to needy families.

– Fortunately, the best things are totally free or cheap. With children spending time, cookies to bake, christmas tree decorating or christmas church, have in their best moments, no matter, Raija summed up with a smile.