“Rainforest cleared for popular d. zibethinus”

“Chinese demand”

“of Durian, a yellow, and the spiny fruit which is also called the d. zibethinus, cultivated in parts of Southeast asia with tropical climate. In China kept it as one of the finest of fruits, and its texture and strong smell, is compared with the blue cheese. Other people compare the smell with kloakvatten or old vomit, and in Singapore, is the fruit is banned in public transport.”

“Miljöskyddsgruppen Point have followed the how malaysian companies have cleared large areas when köplustan plant. In the district of Raub in the central Malaysia have large areas of rainforest is cut down to plant new durioträd, right next to a protected and djurrikt wooded area.”

“– This deforestation in order to plant the durian is preparing to meet the demand, ” says Sophine Tann from the Point.”

“Malaysian durianexport to China was worth the equivalent of just over 16 million during the first eight months of 2018 – more than twice as much as in the same period the year before.”