* Follow the case directly from the court in Trondheim here! *

TRONDHEIM/OSLO: On the first day of the trial between Kåre Ingebrigtsen and Erik Hoftun against Rosenborg was the two trenernes attorneys presented their clients ‘ partsfremstilling in the trial in Trondheim.

Attorneys painted a picture of the duo’s great historic success during the four years they worked as trainers for Unicef. First out was Bill Ingebrigtsens lawyer Stone Kimsås-Otterbech, before Hoftuns lawyer Andreas Spots took over towards the end of today’s allotted time.

Let forward SMS-is – Ingebrigtsen will have up to ten millions of Rosenborg

It was towards the end of the Ekkers framlegging that the most striking evidence appeared. Spots showed namely until the SMS is sent from the Rosenborg-player profile and Pål André Helland to trenerduoen.

SMS’s and shows in how large a degree he and spillergruppa opposed themselves to the board’s decision to dismiss Ingebrigtsen and Hoftun as trenerteam.

“Hello Bill! First and foremost. Thank you for absolutely everything. Æ understand nothing. Have you joined of your own free will? If you have been expelled, it is a scandal without precedent, which æ do not comprehend. So that æ has thought of it so e spillergruppa in shock, like me. Regardless of the will æ thank you dæ, æ hope it’s not e last time you e my coach. Pål”

“Ingebrigsten answer: Æ got expelled.”

“Helland: Who the hell it is they think they are? Where we were 2014? People get so historieløs that I’m sick. Docks has managed to create a like that damn unity in spillergruppa and we should roll the damn board and get reinstated docks.”

“Bill: thank you so much for the support. You ane not how much it means.”

Support for Hoftun also

Also Hoftun get støttemelding from Helland, according to the Scn, and also which races the player against the board of directors.

“O e completely speechless. Unable to embark and begrip ka it e that takes place. Believe the board that them to play FM (Football Manager, video games)… How va we four years ago? Æ sætt immensely appreciate the job you and Bill have done for the club and for mæ. And you are the main reason why we the players have filled up peishylla with trophies and the heart with memories. Æ stands behind the docking station two anyway.”, type Helland to Erik Hoftun, and get a warm thank back also from him.

the Newspaper has tried to get a hold of Pål André Helland in the day, but he has still not answered our inquiries.

VIEW FROM the RIGHT: The sparkede RBK-coaches Bill Ingebrigtsen and Erik Hoftun has gone to the case against his former employer. The duo was fired as … Show more