There was around the country a large focus of a break up for the holidays – both with the police, but also on the different media. Now where julepynten is packed away, flæskestegen soon to be replaced with made them, and the burglars might eventually go on the late christmas holidays, it’s time for a look back to see how it really went over the holidays here in Denmark.

As the only part of the country is bornholmerne gone completely free of break-ins in the days between 20. and 26. december, according to figures from the national Police. At the opposite end of the scale, the island of Funen, which is the part of the country, which has had the highest number of reported burglaries. In the six christmas days have 112 men from funen had unwanted julegæster. However, has the island of Funen, in general, been plagued by burglaries throughout the dark time, and it also got The Police earlier in december to send out a press release:

– The last two weeks it has to be particularly bad with, respectively, 91 and 106 burglaries per week. It is far beyond what we usually experience at the end of november and beginning of december. Therefore, we are appealing precisely to the citizens ‘ watchful eyes, because they know their own neighborhood, and, therefore, can see and hear, if something suddenly are different, reads the press release from the vicepolitiinspektør Jesper Pedersen from Funen Police.

After Funen, Jutland, in the region of the country, which has had the most notified of burglary. 103 households had the unexpected visit of the six christmas days, and just after Jutland, comes the north of Zealand with 100 notified of burglary.

Photo from the national Police

even Though the numbers might sound high, is 2018 actually the year where the figures are the lowest in the last four years – if you were only looking at the days between the 20. and 26. december.

Figures from the national Police shows that numbers nationwide have actually been decreasing almost every year since 2014, with the exception of 2015.

1117 burglary

1203 burglary

759 burglary

734 burglaries

621 burglary

One of the reasons the numbers have been decreasing, due, among other things, the efforts, the citizens themselves do. And if you ask, what is most comforting, then the answer is pretty clear: alarm systems. How does it sound in each case from the danes, Ekstra Bladet visited in the Way in the south of jutland.

– I have been with neighbourhood watch here in about two years. It started because there was some of my neighbors, who noticed something a little suspicious. Shoes were moved and some plastic lay and floated. One day we randomly had a get-together, we came to talk about neighbourhood watch. Since that day we have had it out here.

– Before I joined neighbourhood watch, I had got installed an alarm. I also think it is very reassuring. And besides the alarm I have in the last 10 years had dogs.

Photo: Anders Brohus

– We got alarm systems for two–three years ago. Even though we never have had a burglary, we chose to get it, because our daughter had to bike home from school. It was very reassuring to know that she did not go home something she should not see. So we chose to get an alarm, which sent the message out to the us, if someone breaks in. We have nothing that we would not be able to live without, but for us it’s more security in that there is someone who has been inside our home, without our in the least by it.

– in Addition to the alerts we have here in the district, a facebook group. Here we write, if we see something suspicious – a car running slowly, people who go around late at night, or else, we think, our neighbors should be aware of.

Photo: Anders Brohus

– We are really good here in the neighborhood to tell each other when we are not at home. When you know that the neighbor is not at home, pushing we saw the trash, makes ruts in the snow, and another which makes, that it seems liveable.

– in Addition, we have at home is also an extended alarm system, the alarm panel complete suit in the house when we are not home. The teeth among different light at different times of the day.

Photo: Anders Brohus

ever since we built the house 10 years ago we have had alarms, video surveillance, and dog. We’ve chosen to invest in, because we really don’t want intrusion. Therefore, one can just as well ensure the proper from the outset. We show also the deliberate with the whole in the windows.

Photo: Anders Brohus