thousands and Thousands julepassagerer have not been able to get away from England’s second largest airport, Gatwick, because one or more unknown persons was about to fly big drones over the airport.

It reports several british media.

the Planes have been kept on the ground since Wednesday, when the drone first appeared, and on Friday morning urged the passengers still to keep an eye on their plane, for it is not safe, that they can get on the wings.

the Airport is, however, very quietly started to collect aircraft and send them on the wings, but a look in the afgangsoversigten clearly shows that still there are more canceled flights than aircraft actually comes from the place. Therefore, it is important that you as a passenger are still keeping an eye on updates on his plane.

the Authorities in England to report that the drones, who continued to show up at the airport, is significantly larger, than the ones you usually can buy.

– We think, it is some, which are either homemade or made at home, says Jason Tingley, who is the local superintendent, to Sky News.

the Authorities have struggled to get the drones down since they appeared for the first time on Wednesday night around at 22 Danish time. Alone on Thursday night, they had been seen over 50 times in 24 hours over the airport.

Several thousand people can not come up with flights from Gatwick, and it has created rejsekaos at the airport. Photo: AP

Gatwick airport has been trying to open for traffic several times since Wednesday, when the airport closed.

But every time the drones appeared out of the blue again. It is unknown where they come from, and who controls them.

eventually considered the police, if you had to shoot the exceptionally large drones down.

– But we’ll have to consider it carefully, for other people can be within the scope of our possible shot, says Jason Tingley.

as far As it should, fortunately did not go, and now it seems that the drones are staying away.

Gatwick, Europe’s eighth busiest airport, and Easyjet has cancelled all its flights to and from the area, like hundreds of other incoming flights have been diverted to other airports – even to Paris.

About 110,000 passengers on the 760 aircraft should be flown Thursday from the airport.

Extra Magazine follows the case.