THE sensational Russian jenteframgangen is a good for langrennsporten. Only it is to believe.

Purely in terms of profit, it is not due to something else. That this great langrennsnasjonen manages to lift up a new generation skijenter without cheat, is a natural result of the broad recruitment, very good financial support and better training methods.

the Problem is that this success is related to bad memories. Today’s winner Natalija Neprajajeva has been in the school at the banned doptreneren Yuriy Borodavko, while Anastasia Sedova that in tomorrow’s outclassed the rest of the world class, the trainer in one of the towns which the russians refuse to release to the dopingjegerne.

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That this happens at the same time that Sergey Ustjugov with victory in the 15km in Toblach is back as the best herreløperen after having been banned from the last OLYMPICS because old traces of cheating, shows at least how vulnerable the great Russian progress is.

in the Midst of his own success, Russia has still not cleared up in a basic dopproblem.

CROSS country is the unnlatelsessynden not to avoid to see:

Little in the international sport has that Russian kvinnelangrenn testified about the tragedy by making itself dependent of drugs.

After that, the russians for decades dominated the sport by using illegal means, led all exposures up to the OLYMPICS in 2010 that the country was devoid of female skistjerner.

Not so easy without drugs

Get trained as hard as the Russian girls, but they trained the wrong. In which the dope had previously covered over the bad treningsforståelse, they ran in this period, apparently only in the lower. For several years was the Russian jentelangrenn completely distanced. Even the famous jukseopplegget in advance of the Sochi OLYMPICS, did not manage to get custom results.

FIRST when the German coach Marcus Cramer introduced the English knowledge of a more balanced quantity, it was purely a sporting track of the parts of the Russian langrennsmiljøet. The problem is just that this environment is so large and cluttered that it is difficult to know what is really going on.

At least according to Yuriy Borodavko that just explains his own ban after the revelations around the OLYMPICS 2010 that it was impossible as the Russian national team manager to have full control over the substances they some runners used.

It was always someone else who had tricked the dopingtatte the runners of his.

WHILE it was definitely he who last year accused own runners for tysting after the international olympic committee (IOC) first banned all the Russian medal winners from the Sochi OLYMPICS apart from Ilja Tsjernousov; bronsevinneren on the 5-mila:

the Russians are better than when they dope themselves with EPO. Now reveals the why

That Ilja Tsjernousov can feel quiet due to only one thing: He has been a part of this conspiracy, and have set their partners and comrades. Now he’s looking at, laughing, and want to get the medal, said Borodavko to the Russian newspaper Gazeta, and added:

– Maybe he’s one of the anonymous informants. He has not made a single supportive statement to the banned athletes, athletes who dragged him to the medal.

NOW is the Borodavko even standing behind sammenlagtlederne in the Tour de Ski. In addition to the sensations Nataljia Neprajeva, he has also Aleksandr Bolsjunov; in the stable.

It is this treningsmiljøet to a trainer, the russians even banned for doping that the last two winters have delivered the young runners who have made the sport to a duel between Russia and Norway. For the mighty langrennsjefen Yelena Velbe selected to retrieve Borodavko back in the forefront of the new revelations about the vast extent of fraud in the Russian skimiljøet who came two years ago with the other McLaren-report.

It is say the least especially for a proud skinasjon who are struggling to rectify the reputation.

It is not credible that they destroy the winter OLYMPICS for this the Russian

THE Russian langrennsframgangen is very broad. Basically operates the Russian national team with a total of three different workout groups-all besides the runners that come off the removed groups. Today’s other surprise, Anastasia Sedova, are among these.

She is in itself an interesting story. 23-year-old has two seasons in the western based treningsgruppa to Marcus Cramer had great progress. Anastasia tells how the meeting with Cramer changed the entire thinking of her about training:

– He has completely changed my attitude to it to work out. Now that I go back to the old system, I realize how much he really has invested in me, ” she said to the “Fast Skiing” in the spring when she justified why she suddenly broke with this treningsgruppa which is located in the Alps, and then to go back to Russia.

BREAK was highly personal. Anastasia felt that the close relationship to the Cramer over time did she not quite managed to concentrate on to go fast on skis. The great progress from season 2016/17, was certainly not followed well enough up last winter, although she advanced from number 40 to number 16 overall in the world cup. Anyway pulled Anastasia back to Sarov.

On a personal level was not the breach is worse than that of the Cramer in the summer let up the framework for Sedovas further training, but she moved right into the trauma in the Russian elite sport. For Sarov is a many Russian cities that are closed to foreigners. Historically, also for doping.

It was in another city; Saransk, the largest friidrettsskandalen happened with the cross through dopete Russian progress in kappgang. Protected by the isolated from surroundings, the city was the herostratisk famous coach Viktor Chegin in the years building up a dopbasert national team, without the international control.

Scandal in Moscow: Russia wonder both her and himself

that is Precisely the challenge for a hjemflyttet Sedova when suddenly she surpasses the rest of the world class on the final miles.

FOR now races the big game about how the outside world to get control Russian sportssuksess. Tomorrow is the deadline on the demand from the World’s Antidopingbyrå (WADA) about the full access to the data in the closed dopinglaboratoriet in Moscow, after the national Russian antidopingbyrået (RUSADA) was accepted in september.

This is also a personal struggle. This season has Sedova been the need to set up to the place outside the city limits:

One of the conditions to accept the RUSADA again, was that we who live in the closed cities would not have the opportunity to trick us away from the control. I had to go to a gas station five kilometers outside the town every evening between six and seven to wait on a dopingjeger that never came, told Sedova in an interview last spring.

It is such stories that kommeer to booklet by the Russian achievements before the country to obtain their own trustworthy control system.

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