ON The Idrettsgalla sent from Stavanger in the evening, will Marit Bjørgen; the best vinterolympier, to be celebrated for everything she has done for Norwegian sports. At the same time working some of it set in order to destroy the folkeidretten that get lifted up in an equally warm and nice way as Marit.

It is this sport’s local government by the people they are looking for. Thus, the political overthrow idrettskretsene which ensures that all the various sporting activities at each site are seen in relation to the rest of the community. That’s where regular volunteers a ceiling for the community to help out a best possible leketilbud to as many people as possible around the country.

Had it not been black-on-white in the report that is the basis for this so-called “modernization” of the idrettsbevegelsen, would the thought hardly to believe. But where is it to be the last of the three proposals for the future organization of the Norwegian sports equipped with a much needed warning from the working group who have produced the report:

– It is a minus by the proposal that it does not have any democratic pondered fellesidrettslig unit at the regional level, composing the working group.

The warning can not be said clearly enough.

FOR let us return to the evening’s main performer at the Idrettsgallaen. Marit Bjørgen made his debut in the world cup in 2000 and let up in 2018. You can pretend it is a coincidence that her fairy-tale career has coincided with the best years for Norwegian sports both in terms of the activity and the medals, but it is not particularly smart.

In the years after the years, this has around been closely linked to a locally based idrettsbevegelse spread over absolutely the whole of Norway. Then it is remarkable that one of the suggestions in the moderniseringsprosessen which are now taking place in the movement, therefore, is to remove the whole lokaldemokratiet in the sport.

It is to take away this government of the movement will be the same as to disassemble the Norwegian idrettsmodellen.

Amazed at the Norway OLYMPICS: – We will not have assholes on landslagene our

THIS a week in Norway was again voted the world’s foremost sportsmen of the british fagnettstedet Greatest Sporting Nation (GSN). It is the second year in a row, and Norway has only been off the podium one time since these measurements of the international sports performance started in 2008.

the Award is based on the results in 79 different sports, and like last year, adds the experts in GSN weight of the banks in Norwegian sports. While Croatia finished in second place took most of their points on the fantastic world cup final in football, brought Norway into the points from all the 18 different sports in both the summer and winter.

This progress has been especially strong the last few years after olympia top began to establish regional centres of excellence. Now, there are eight such groups in Tromsø, Trondheim, Bergen, Stavanger, Kristiansand, Drammen, Lillehammer and Fredrikstad. It means that the best athletes can get stay closer to their home, while large areas have got fast access to very good trainers.

RESULTS has been easy to see. The before so miserable idrettsbyen Bergen has begun to perform at a high level. For example, as the locomotive of the Norwegian skating through the commitment of the canadian sprinttreneren Jeremy Wotherspoon in the enterprising Fana IL. In the same way olympia top through nestoren Ørjan Madsen in Stavanger has been with and helped the Ingebrigtsen family with their commitment, even if trenerpappa Gjert no later in the book that came out before christmas went to attack precisely against the olympia top:

– We are not in the world because of the olympia top and Norway’s Friidrettsforbund. We are in the world, in spite of them, he wrote, but there is Gjert Ingebrigtsen that would otherwise certainly should be selected for this Year’s Coach of the Idrettsgallaen in the evening, a rare motstemme.

A miracle from Bergen: First bergenser who takes gold in the winter OLYMPICS

around the country, there is local pride over the sport get together. Therefore, it is no coincidence that almost ninety per cent of the roughly 100 million that the initiative cost is paid by the individual counties.

It paid off, for example, with Håvard Klemetsens beautiful OLYMPIC gold in Pyenongchang where Norway eventually became the best nation..

THAT we have never been stronger in elite sport, for so be. The number of medals will always vary. The most important thing is that the Norwegian idrettsmodellen ensures activity, health and joy for most of us.

Just the point the promise Marit Bjørgen even until a few years ago when she together with Brede Hangeland, the former captain of the guttas fotballandslag, wrote a defense of how we do sport our.

which means that the main work is done in the individual club in a close collaboration with the entire community.

IT is the starting point for the current organisation of movement of municipal idrettsråd and shared idrettskretser that organizes the collaboration with the counties. Here is ensured also the economy. The municipalities and the county overall contribution to the sport is far more than twice as large as this sport’s share of spillemidlene and the entire state support.

Can you beat your friends, rivals, cross-country skiers, and experts in the Fantaski?

the Newspaper, and Swix launches a new manager games for cross-country skiing. Here you can set up your own team consisting of six girls and six boys in front of each verdenscuprunde. You get points based on how your athletes are performing.

the Game passes the entire season, but you win prizes each and every round.

Play it

When the number of counties now to be reduced from 18 to 11, the common idrettskretsene naturally adapted to this change. It is a part of the modernisation of the movement which is now out for consultation, with a number of straightforward suggestions for working better together.

But just the idea to cut out the political overthrow idrettskretsene, is astonishing little wise.

FOR this proposal also comes at the same time with a strong growth in the whole of the Norwegian idrettskulturen. This growth is based on political consensus locally and regionally of how sport can make an important job for society in, for example, upbringing, health and education. When’s it’s not to take away the local and regional democracy which coordinate this work.

Why is not this proposal is adopted at the Idrettstinget in may. Clear attack against the functioning of the local combined with the concentration of power in Oslo, succeed rarely in the vidsstrakte Norway.

But that proposal comes on the table while idrettsbevegelsen lacks a unifying leadership, shows how the power struggle builds up before the election of the new idrettspresident.

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TRIAL is to recognize from a power struggle between the federation and idrettskretser that has characterised the Norwegian sports in decades. At the idrettstinget in 2011, they tried the large særforbundene to take over power in the Norwegian sports federation to weaken the locally selected idrettskretsene. That the attempt at that failed, it was important for the broad progress that has happened since. For with Børre Rognlien as the new president, began the period with the most systematic social nationwide idrettsløftet to ensure a popular movement with room for all .

It is a reality that unfortunately has gone in was soon forgotten in the last years of often totally perspektivløse trouble around the management of the Norwegian sports federation.

THE now trying on a pointless reorganisation of the Norwegian sports without completely dry an open power struggle, has even less chances than the old kuppkompisene. More and more realize the greatest særforbundene that just that local cooperation is crucial for the enkeltidrettenes own success. This time will probably neither football, athletics, handball, or ski challenge Norwegian idrettsmodellen.

And honestly; this is not just the evening to destroy for Marit Bjørgen.

Strong feelings when Bjørgen went in goals for the very last time: – Sad and strange, ” says Johaug