Showbiz Sarah Bettens (46), the singer of the group K’s Choice, has announced that they will now, as a man goes through life. Instead of Sarah there now, Sam. “I wish my breasts off. A thought that you’d rather not have if you are a woman with breast cancer faces, but she was there. And then know you it just is.”
About a year ago, the singer only the click. “The feeling kríjgen and figure out what exactly it was that I found aartsmoeilijk,” she says in The Standard. “Also because I myself compared with transgendermensen that at a young age themselves knew, and faster to trade. Many of them know it was already their fifth and feel there are also early bad, complete with suicidal tendencies, because they first have no way out. All things with me as a child and young girl.” But on the other hand, there were clear signs. “I thought around that time, something I’m looking back, not proud of it am: I wish that my breasts off. A thought that you’d rather not have if you are a woman with breast cancer faces, but she was there. And then know you it just is.” To get answers, she went into therapy.