You must be a Prophet, to claim: The SC Bern is excreted in the Champions Hockey League as well as. 0:3 the Swiss champion in the eighth-final first leg Lulea lost. And, this result reflects the action on the ice pretty good. The Bernese were against defensively very solid Sweden is not a medium in the Offensive and in the defense openly revealed in this season’s glaring vulnerability.

It had begun the Bernese animated in the game, they were more present, more aggressive than the opponent. Only nothing countable was due to the fact. And as a first-round brought Draft Nils Lundkvist luleå after 23 minutes with a harmless wrist shot into the lead, it was the Berner happen. You are granted Lulea is now a generous place in your area, which knew to take advantage of the Sweden: Kovacs and Brännström provided up to 28. Minute for the 3:0. SCB-Coach Jalonen a then moved to Pascal Caminada for the unfortunate Niklas Schlegel. This held the case may be – but Lulea is no longer made with the 3:0 lead too much and the SCB was not able to, once again, in the game of life. It was for the master, the fourth defeat EN suite. On Friday, he must in the League to Derby in Langnau ran – it is not a Prophet, who speaks of a delicate task.

Zug opportunities, despite the number of

weaknesses intact In the last third of it was Gregory Hofmann, who was his reputation as a Skorer meet. The best scorer of the EV train took advantage of an opponent’s Puckverlust to the counter and fully stretched out cold at the 3:3. With a little less errors in the middle third of certainly a better result would have been possible.

As in the past, regularly in the championship to your choice the number of game left in the Central Swiss left. Three goals conceded so in the middle third. The 1:2 and 2:2 the scenario was similar: To preventable exclusions against Yannick Zehnder not succeeded in the ECC, in spite of multiple opportunities to free the Puck from their own Zone, which walked the Finns respectively. And in 3:2 they had not sorted enough, than from a 4:3 Majority, it was a 5 against 4 players. The game had started from Zug ideal, Dario Simion and the Tampere-born Santeri Alatalo achieved in the first six minutes and scored two hits. And the lead could have been even higher.

Up to one of the declared season of Zug’s goals, winning the Champions League, the way is still far. In the return match at the Bossard Arena next Tuesday, it doesn’t need, anyway, in the Boxplay is an increase in order for the dream to burst at an early stage.

The Joel Lausanne, securing the victory

Lausanne has a good starting position won with the score 2:1 victory in Pilsen. As is so often the Team from Ville Peltonen put in the beer metropolis to let too many emotions rising up and up to the 1:0 lead thanks to Jakub Pour shortly before the end of the middle third went to this tactic also. Joel Vermin was only three minutes later to equalise. And because then even three minutes, met before the game at the end of the second Joel – defender Genazzi in Majority – enough, finally, to victory.

Not quite the victory handed it to the EHC Biel. The Zeeland came away from home against the Augsburger Panther after only 28 seconds in arrears. Jaroslav Hafenrichter met for the German hosts. Shortly after the beginning of the middle third of Matthew Fraser increased to 2:0. The Biel had up to 48. Minute wait before Stefan Ulmer of the goal was achieved. Toni Rajala made with his goal in the 54. Minute for the 2:2 final result.

Bern – Lulea Hockey 0:3 (0:0, 0:3, 0:0)
4019 viewers. – SR Schrubok/Kaukokari (RUS/FIN), Kovacs/Progin.
goals: 24. Lundkvist (Jalvanti) 0:1. 27. (26:54) Kovacs (Engsund, Emanuelsson) 0:2. 28. (27:48) Brännström (Ilomäki, Sellgren) 0:3.
penalties: 1 time 2 minutes against Bern, 3 times 2 minutes against Lulea Hockey.
Bern: Schlegel (28. Caminada); Under Sander, Colin Gerber; Andersson, Burren; Krueger, Blum; Praplan, Arcobello, Moser; Ruefenacht, Ebbett, Scherwey, Sciaroni, Mursak, Fighting; Berger, Bieber, Spiller; Jeremi Gerber.
Lulea Hockey: Rautio; Sondell, Sellgren; Lundkvist, Jalvanti; Själin, Engsund; Thyni Johansson; Widing, Connolly, Farley; Emanuelsson, Tyrväinen, Kovacs; Gunler, Ilomäki, Brännström; Fabricius, Olausson, Berglund.

Tappara Tampere – train 3:3 (0:2, 3:0, 0:1)
5275 viewers. – SR Kopitz/Schrader (GER/AUT), Elonen/Hägerström (FIN).
goals: 2. Simion (Zryd, Zgraggen) 0:1. 7. Alatalo (Klingberg, Lindberg/Exclusion Mäntylä) 0:2. 28. Kemiläinen (Kuusela, Kemiläinen/Exclusion Zehnder) 1:2. 34. Karjalainen (Kuusela, Kemiläinen/Exclusion Zehnder) 2:2. 40. (39:16) Vauhkonen (Virta, Suhonen/Exclusion Smurf) 3:2. 43. Hofmann 3:3.
penalties: 5 times 2 minutes against Tappara Tampere, 4 times 2 minutes against the train.
Tappara Tampere: Heljanko (7. Garteig); Suhonen, Vittasmäki; Kemiläinen, Blood; Ytterell, Mäntylä; Utunen; Bertrand, Morley, Kuusela; Ojamäki, Virta, Levtchi; Karjalainen, Malinen, Moilanen; Lehtonen, Rauhala, Vauhkonen; Puistola.
train: Genoni; Diaz, Stadler; Schlumpf, Alatalo; Zryd, Zgraggen; Thiry; Klingberg, Lindberg, McIntyre; Simion, Leuenberger, Stoffel; Zehnder, Albrecht, Langenegger.

Pilsen – Lausanne 1:2 (0:0, 1:1, 0:1)
5360 viewers. – SR Rencz/Nikolic (SVK), Ondracek/trace (CZE).
goals: 35. Pour (Kantner) 1:0. 38. Vermin (Lindbohm, Frick) 1:1. 57. Genazzi (Almond/Exclusion Eberle) 1:2.
penalties: per time, 2 minutes.
Pilsen: Frodl; Vrablik, Moravik; Ceresnak, Houdek; Kanak, Budik; Gulas, Kracik, malate; Pour, Vlach, Kantner; Eberle, Kodytek, Straka; Rob, Nemec, Kolda.
Lausanne: , Stephan; Frick, Lindbohm; Junland, Heldner; Genazzi, Nodari; Oejdemark; Kenins, Emmerton, Bertschy; gentlemen, Jeffrey, Vermin; Almond, Jooris, Moy; Froidevaux, Antonietti, Trotter; Leone.

Augsburger Panther – Biel 2:2 (1:0, 1:0, 0:2)
5543 viewers. – SR Odin/Brännare (LAT), Hofer/Gaube (GER).
goals: 1. (0:28) port judge 1:0. 21. (20:51) Fraser (Gill) 2:0. 48. Ulmer 2:1. 54. Rajala (Ullström) 2:2.
penalties: 4 times 2 minutes against Augsburger Panther, 3 times 2 minutes against Biel.
Augsburger Panther: Roy; Valentine, Lamb; Tölzer, Haase; NcNeill, Sezemsky; Rogl; Hafenrichter, LeBlanc, Payerl; Holzmann, Gill, Fraser; Trevelyan, Stieler, Callahan; Mayen ticket, Ullmann, Sternheimer; Lambacher.
Biel: Paupe; Ulmer, Sataric; Fey, Salmela; Rathgeb, Moser; Prysi; Tschantré, Pouliot, Rajala; Schneider, Ullström, Cunti; Kessler, Fox, Künzle; Wüst, Neuenschwander, Karaffa; Schläpfer.

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Created: 12.11.2019, 22:11 PM