Jupiler Pro League “We want to during the play-offs referees for each match to our headquarters calling for them to better prepare for that party.” That says scheidsrechtersbaas Johan Verbist on VTM NEWS. He understands the criticism of the match officials, but adds a rider.

“Some errors that are made, must get out, that is clear,” explains Verbist. “But if you, in percentage terms, the accuracy of the evaluated phases are watching, we are doing well.”

Additional measures

To get that last bug out, have the referees have a lentestage. “Then we’ll look at three days wedstrijdfases, and we hold technical sessions and training sessions, to prepare them for the play-offs,” says Verbist.

And to the play-offs is absolutely correct to expire, breeds Verbist is still on a plan for each referee for each match, to the headquarters in Tubize. There, he and his team are the last instructions.