“Charlotte Prodger is a British artist who works with moving images, printed images, sculptures, and written works. Your work topics to explore around queer identity, landscape, language, technology and time.“ It says So on the Website of the London Tate Britain. On Tuesday evening, the 44-Year-old with the Turner-prize honored for their short films “Bridgit” and “Stoneymollan Trail”, you are partially in line with the Smartphone rotated. The with the equivalent of 28 000 euros, the award is one of the most important art prizes in the world. Prodgers works showed the “most profound use of as an empty device, such as the iPhone camera, the art has seen so far”, said the Chairman of the jury and Director of Tate Britain, Alex Farquharson.

Prodger, who lives in Glasgow, Scotland, has long worked with 16-Millimeter Film, not least of all, you are fascinated by the rolls of the exact specified time length of a 16-Millimeter film. “Bridgit” is played you are well aware of the technical limitation of the smartphone, such as the microphone, and its own sculptural quality. For a year they filmed the Scottish landscape and your own home, self and friends from the diaries and novels by queer authors to read. Prodger thanked at the ceremony for the public support that you Pasgol got from Scotland. She studied in London and Glasgow, has previously had solo exhibitions in New York, London and Düsseldorf.

2017 for the first time a black artist to be honored

The Turner prize will always be nominated four artists. In addition to Prodger is the art and research collective Forensic Architecture project based at goldsmiths, University of London, and Naeem Mohaiemen, and Luke Willis Thompson will be pre – selected (5000 pounds) this year. According to the painter William Turner named award is awarded since 1984. 2017 Lubaina Himid was the first black artist to be honored. So far, two German won the Turner prize, the photographer Wolfgang Tillmans in 2000, and the painter, Tomma Abts in 2006. Tsp/dpa

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British art award the Turner prize Lubaina Himid