Let us begin with a thought experiment.

Denmark gets a new tv station, which does not produce its own content, but allow users from all over the country to send video clips, then smoking out in the ether. Users can also broadcast live from their mobile phones.

There are just so many clips into that from time to time smoking both clips and live broadcast, where violent traffic accidents, violence in the street life and some times kills are shared unedited.

How a tv station would, of course, be closed faster down by the authorities, than you can say lawsuit.

the Problem is that the tv station already exists, it’s called Facebook and as late as last week laid the platform for livesendingen of a mass killing in New Zealand. Last I checked it was Facebook still in the air, but the case is just one of several møgsager, there has begun to paralyze the social network.

Earlier this month, it came forward that Facebook is on trial in New York – in its eagerness to grow – to have given techfirmaer as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Sony preferential treatment.

It came to pass by to let them soak and use the private data from the users, while Facebook promised, to the shame, protecting the very privacy of the users.

But møgsagerne does not end here, since Facebook is facing a milliardbøde for sloppiness, and perhaps illegality in the matter of the millions of data that has been misused to manipulate the elections in the UNITED states and the united kingdom.

Even worse for Facebook is that the leading politicians in both countries seriously considering to require the company divided up into smaller units. And, as a minimum, it must be subject to a much stricter control than it happens today.

As the tragic case from New Zealand shows, however, the question whether it is enough.

what do you do with a construction which from the beginning would have been rejected with a resounding no, if we at that time had known the consequences of Facebook’s ’offer an alternative tv-station’?

the Answer from Facebook is that you cooperate with the authorities and constantly improve themselves. And only a few so with the live consignment.

Expect an answer in the same genre when the next mass-murderer go live and shares his misdeeds.

See also: Report: Facebook is a monster