The billionaire, the promotion of Prostitution is accused. According to the police, stuff exist statements, and video material to prove the guilt of kingsgrave.

The American billionaire Robert Kraft (77), owner of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots, is accused of promoting Prostitution to the attention of the police. The police in Jupiter Florida, announced at a press conference, is part of power to a group of 25 accused persons. He was, however, not been arrested.

According to the police, stuff exist statements, and video material to prove the guilt of kingsgrave. “We are just as stunned as all the others,” said police chief Daniel Kerr, after force had been identified as one of the accused.

The investigation into the case has been under way for eight months, in the course of five massage parlors were monitored. A further ten have already been closed. Force to one of the Salons have twice visited, Videos to show, therefore, that he had paid for sexual activity of money.

In a Statement, a spokesman for Kraft’s denied any fault of the 77-Year-old. “We deny expressly that Mr. power was involved in illegal activities. Due to the ongoing investigation we will not comment on the case,” it says.

force had taken over the Patriots in 1994. Since then, the Franchise from the vicinity of Boston has won six titles in the American Football professional League. Finally, the Team led by Star Quarterback Tom Brady at the 3. February, triumphed by a 13:3 victory against the Los Angeles Rams.

note: In a previous Version of this article, it was reported that Robert Kraft was arrested. This is not the case and has been corrected.