‘It simply can’t be true, if in the future can’t be sung after højskolesangbogen (including no. 162) on CBS.

The Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, are reporting on Facebook absolutely clear about his position on the case from CBS, which Kristeligt Dagblad mentioned on Tuesday night.

Here could be the newspaper reported how CBS has officially apologized for a brown female assistant professor, who had complained that the session had been singing ‘The Danish song is a young blond girl’.

the Woman had said that she did not feel included, and viceinstitutleder at CBS’ Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy Mads Mordhorst gave her subsequent right, and he told afterwards, that the song will not be sung on the foundation of the university.

But the decision is the country’s prime minister so completely disagree with that.

‘I am shocked by this sequence in tomorrow’s Kristeligt Dagblad from the Mads Mordhorst’, writes Lars Loop and refers to a quote, where Mads Mordhorst says that he does not think the song will be performed at the institute.

– Personally, I will not sing on the song. I also can’t imagine that there is someone who will take it up now, where we have the experience, that it can be offensive. Then it will indeed be a provocation to sing it in the future, it sounded from the viceinstitutlederen to Kristeligt Dagblad.

Lars Løkke stresses, otherwise, he’s in favour of inclusiveness’ and ‘could not dream of judging people on skin colour or religion’, but he is still far from agree with the department’s view of this case.

the Same position Ole Thyssen, professor emeritus of CBS, and who participated in the said session.

– The employees complained that she felt left out. I must say that I think there was talk about an overreaction. It was, pardon the expression, totally out of the hemp, he says to Kristeligt Dagblad.

– But the new principles are, of course, that if one subjectively feels offended, then you are violated.

FACTS: The Danish song is a young blond girl

the Song ‘The Danish song is a young blond girl’ has created stir on the educational institution CBS, where a researcher felt slighted over the fact that it was sung as a song at an internal meeting.

The Royal Library describes on its website the song as being ‘among the most popular Danish songs’.

‘The Danish song is a young blond girl’ is made on the poem of the same name by Kai Hoffmann in 1924 and got its tune by the Danish composer Carl Nielsen in 1926.

Read the lyrics to the song here:

The Danish song is a young blond girl

she goes and hums in Denmark’s house,

she is a child of the sea-blue kingdom

where the beeches are listening to bølgers shower.

The Danish song when the basically sound,

has the sound of the bell, the sword and shield.

In the us desk at the wide wings

one thing of note from hedenold.

Al Zealand, grace and the Danish newspaper Jyllands mightiness,

the two sounds of the gently and hard,

the song accomodate for the right to report,

what is deep within is us and our.

times change, and the seats house,

but the art and combat still requires steel,

the alterbål, where our soul shall ildnes

the flames hedest in Bjarkemål.

So sing en, Denmark, let the heart speak,

for hjertesproget is verse and song,

and learn we can of the nightingale,

of the lark over the green vang.

And the wind whistles its wild show

and the beach, hurled his højtidskvad,

from the moor the heather, as from the gates of the city tile

the song promise young and happy.

Sources: The Royal Library, the DR.