MANCHESTER UNITED made many errors since Sir Alex Ferguson walked off the 8. may 2013. The largest, which has also been repeated through three managers in five and a half season, has been that they have granted outsiders permission to change the club. But then a doe with this level worst cv got the job, they did everything right.
Because Ole Gunnar Solskjær is Manchester United.
THE TIMING OF Ole Gunnar Solskjærs entry at Old Trafford was perfect, there was no one who doubted for just over a month ago. It could be read out of the terminlista. That Manchester United needed a unifying person for sjølgode and self-willed José ^ the academic degree awarded was also in the cards. The confirmation on it one could read out from the selection of the substitute. But everything else that fell into place when Ole Gunnar Solskjær took over the responsibility in the world’s biggest football club, it was difficult to see coming.
There one can read of the results.
Nobody does this better than the 20LEGEND
And the statements, the smiles, and the mood in the club.
OLE GUNNAR SOLSKJÆR has become this season’s hot topic, the riddle and the big paradox in international football. 18. December he had in the international context three nothing-titles (Uk) and an eight-month Cardiff-disaster on the conscience. Now he has one of football’s kingdoms. And even though I read and hear one explanation after the other – and even though I very often also nods approvingly when I read and hear experts ‘ explanations about what has happened to Old Trafford – so I’m sitting with a feeling that the man and the person Ole Gunnar Solskjær trumps all other explanations.
It is Ole Gunnar Solskjær that’s the deal.
There is a thing his which is the whole success.
LIFT business from being good to being exceptional can occur over both short and longer periods of time. The time aspect is there is no answer key. Business cycles and external factors will always influence the process. But nothing happens, regardless of time, without a very special leader.
With very special properties.
HUMILITY MIXED WITH stubbornness and extreme inherent willingness is, according to the “Level 5 Leadership”, a five-year research study from Harvard University, essential qualities for a good leader. For a couple of weeks ago I got sent an article based on the research. A Norwegian student at the university of Seattle thought Ole Gunnar Solskjær matches most of the criteria. And observation to accession, as I have learned Ole Gunnar Solskjær to know since he made his debut for Manchester United for a little more than 26 years ago, is it two qualities that turn me on:
The tribute of Solskjær: – Probably the best auditionen in fotballhistorien
Humility and willingness.
PROPERTIES that can be rewritten to the modesty and fearlessness. He takes the not place, Ole Gunnar Solskjær. But is fearless as get. And the dumbest you can do, is therefore to misunderstand this ydmykheten (beskjedenheten), and make it a lack of backbone and power.
Humility gives Ole Gunnar Solskjær success.
Will is the actual power.
As fotballmann is he is soft outside and hard inside.
HE IS ALSO generous when it comes to those he has under him and to work with. Unlike its predecessor, which often looked in the mirror when the praise should be divided between, open Ole Gunnar Solskjær window to the environment.
Success is not first and foremost his profits.
It belongs to just as much, if not more.
REVERSE IT when the wind blows on the tops and the criticism comes. When it happens have personalities like José ^ the academic degree awarded like a tendency to open all the windows wide open, and blame it on everyone else.
Ole Gunnar Solskjær, on the other hand, see themselves in the mirror.
When it goes bad, it is his responsibility.
Error, Ole Gunnar – it’s only about you!