No less than 536 times has a 45-year-old social and health care assistant abused both the trust and the map information, as the three elderly and infirm persons had entrusted with the social and health care assistant.

the Court of Elsinore has on Friday decided that it should cost a year and six months of conditional imprisonment. The case was a tilståelsessag. It writes the Helsingør Dagblad.

the Woman, who lives in the uk, was over a period of a little over three years until 2018 associated with the three different dependent people as a social and sundhedsassistent in Fredensborg Municipality.

According to Helsingør Dagblad was the older, familiar with the woman and asked her in private about the using for purchases and to withdraw cash for them on their accounts.

In this context, the woman is abused both the trust and the bank details from the older. She has, in some cases, also had access to citizens ‘ online banking.

the Money has among other things been used to buy new to gaderoben. Things was confiscated in connection with a raid last year.

In total, she spent 540.000 dollars on the older cards, write the Helsingør Dagblad.

Prosecutor Ann Künow from north Zealand Police had demanded one and a half years ‘ unconditional imprisonment for the woman.

But in light of the accused’s confession and her good personal relationship, the court decided that the 45-year-old woman, also a mother, should not serve the punishment in a prison.

the Penalty, however, will be triggered, if she commits a new crime, and if she does not perform the community service of 250 hours during the year.

moreover, She was deprived of the right to practice as a social and sundhedsassistent in five years.

When she was arrested and charged in 2018, she was stopped as the social and health care assistant in Fredensborg Municipality and worked a second place in a job she still has.

It is not a position where she has something to do with dependent and weak persons.

the Woman, who has received the judgment, must pay about 532.000 crowns back to the older, write the medium.