More Sport James Dasaolu has his fans immensely grateful. The sprinter who is the 2014 European champion on the 100 metres is the new, tore his achilles tendon and had not the means to his surgery to pay. Fortunately for the 31-year-old Briton crossed a lot of fans a helping hand through crowdfunding.

“Without the contributions I can not go further in the sport,” said Dasaolu to BBC Sport. The second fastest Brit in the 100 meters (with a time of 9,91 seconds) had spikes nearly early in the willows hang. Well a month ago tore Dasaolu his achilles tendon. Surgery has emerged, only had the man, who is not subsidized, there do not have the financial resources for. After the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro was in the semi-finals lost Dasaolu his financial support.

He started a crowdfunding. Some of the British athletes contributed their bit and that also did a lot of British fans, and Dasaolu, meanwhile, 13.500 dollar (almost € 12,000 has been collected. “The British public has my career been saved. Without their support I could the surgery not pay. I am really overwhelmed by the help of them and my team mates,” said Dasaolu. “The operation is the first obstacle that I could overcome with the help of the public. The next step will be the rehabilitation.” Ultimately, Dasaolu $ 25,000 (just 22,000 euro) collect. With that money he wants to his surgery and the care afterwards finance.