“The Infinite”, “infinity” – this could be the first name of the Sprinter from the English translation. Infinite Tucker is the name of the young man, impressed with the power. Two years ago, he was in the same race, still in Second, this should not happen to him this year at the SEC track and field championship.

Almost on a par with his team-mate Robert Grant from the same College (Texas A&M) overcame the last hurdle and sprinted toward the goal. He seemed to be able to the Pace does not hold, and it seemed as if he would fall in the next over. What followed then, you will see in the Video above.

“My eyes closed”

Tucker said in the victory interview – he needed 49,38 seconds, well ahead of Grant in order to nine hundredths on ESPN: “I have my eyes at hurdle ten (the final hurdle, Red.) closed. When I opened them again, I saw my mother in the target, and as I jumped to her, to hug you – and the wars.”

As his inferior colleague, Grant is asked what he thought of the Finish, he said, laughing to ESPN: “If I were to say what I think, in this camera, in this MIC, in this Moment, Coach Henry would be me out of the Team to throw.” (hua)

Created: 13.05.2019, 18:38 PM