the world Championships in nordic skiing were characterized by dopingindrømmelser, the raid and the now famous pictures of the Max Haukes blood transfusion.

And dopingens dark shadows continues to drive into the sport, although the championships in Seefeld is over.

Monday, the Estonian Algo Kärp to confession opposite the newspaper to õhtuleht.

I choose to stand up, even though I run the risk of destroying many relationships. I can’t live with myself, if I’m not telling it here. I repent very much that I was taking so stupid a decision, he says to the newspaper.

As the case was with teammate Karel Tammjärv, which was among the practitioners who were taken in a raid during the WORLD cup, explains Kärp, that the abuse began two and a half years ago – in the summer of 2016 – when he was put in connection with the German doctor Mark Schmidt.

– It was our coach Mati Alaver, who put us in contact with each other. It was not on my initiative, he says.

the Idea was not surprising that he wanted to improve his results. Often was Algo Kärp about 20. square, and therefore he went drastically to work.

– I really thought that bloddopingen had to help me up in the top 10 rankings, but the fact is that it did not help. It is quite ironic that my best results came when I was clean, it comes not without black humor from the Algo Kärp.

– When I began to dope me, was I in a bølgedal. It helped quite clearly not very much. When I stopped again in the summer, I realized how stupid I had been, he says.

– I have deceived all who trusted me. My family, my friends, sponsors and people out there, he says.

During the WORLD championships was five practitioners taken during a raid. In addition to the Hauke and the two esters involved Alexey Poltoranin from Kazakhstan, and austrian Dominik baldauf says he and Kärps compatriot Andreas Veerpalu.

All the attention is directed now on Mark Schmidt, who is believed to be the kingpin in a major doping network. In connection with the raid in Seefeld, it emerged that he kept the custom-designed cabinets in his garage in the German town of Erfurt, where there has been found in the vicinity of 40 bags of blood, which are thought to originate from the athletes.

the Content is of the authorities in time to be examined.

the Scandal draws the threads into the sport, where the two riders, Stefan Denifl and Georg Preidler has granted bloddoping. Also, these have been in connection with Mark Schmidt, who has supplied the expertise and equipment – among other things, the blodcentrifuge, Michael Rasmussen on Monday told about an Extra Magazine, and which has belonged to him.

It has ended up with him via the former sportsagent Stefan Matschiner. It has Matschiner himself explained. Both Michael Rasmussen and the austrian news site

the Extra Leaf has also spoken with ARD’s dopingjæger Hajo Seppelt, who feel confident the relationship.

– I have no proof that there is talk about the same equipment, but it is pretty likely that this is the case, he said Monday.

– I would consider it to be even very likely, that there is talk about the same equipment. If not, then, in the present case two sets of equipment, and I doubt that, because the equipment is pretty expensive, said Seppelt.

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