Many thousand spectators stayed at the hill after the world CUP’s team competition was finished. To see the old masters such as Stenmark, Pernilla Wiberg and Anja Pärson race once again attracted.

And there was no doubt about what the racers, the crowd cheered the most on. When Ingemar Stenmark loomed on the tv screen for a few moments before the race start, then increased the noise level properly.

Stenmark was in his åttondelsfinal against the Norwegian Kjetil André Aamodt – who ran in jeans.

was characteristic fancy, but the goal was publikfavoriten clearly distanced by Aamodt.

“It was fun with everything, except for my back,” said Stenmark afterwards to SVT.

” It was a fun event, fun to meet old friends. Amazing with so many people, good arranged.

Before the race told Stenmark that he had been worried that the back would not withstand a competition and that his preparation was ”two days of freeriding”

Pernilla Wiberg won against Anja Pärson in The fight. Photo: Joel Marklund/Bildbyrån

been looking forward to was the between Pernilla Wiberg and Anja Pärson. And a joyful Wiberg won.

” It has hetsats much about The fight, so the tension felt at the start, said Wiberg to SVT.

Anja Pärson was not particularly disappointed over the loss.

– You do not have the strength in these laggen and this snow, ” she says.

– But it is fun with this type of competitions, to meet the old family again. You form strong bonds in the world cup. And I think we will be even more fun tonight than what we had in the hill.

, jokes and laughter among both the spectators and the audience.

But the winner Ivica Kostelic also saw a more serious, important, side of the to the held invitation races, where the former storåkare pitted against each other.

– Some skiers don’t care if it has been in the past. I’m not like that. I have always had great respect for the old masters. I know more or less in detail what the results done. If you are striving to achieve something that others have achieved before you, so you look at what they are doing and let them show you the way, ” he says.

the Contest was organized by the former alpinstjärnan Thomas Fogdös the organization Active Life Foundation, which works to help injured athletes back to an active life.

from the waist down after a practice run in Åre 1995. Now, he received the old storåkarna in the target area.

– A poster of Thomas Fogdö was the only thing I had over my bed when I was little. In the day I get to meet him here. It is amazing. Very emotional, ” says Kostelic.

I drove on Elanskidor and came to the factory. There was a poster on Thomas Fogdö. I liked his way to go and said that ”the poster, I want to have”. He was my role model.

Kostelic, who in the competition’s ride defeated Fredrik Nyberg, had a simple answer as to why he won.

“because I’m the youngest of all,” said 39-year-old and laughs.

Stenmark about the OLYMPICS in Sweden In 2026: ”No comments.”

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