– I would like to write a little bit about the incredible help I get.

– For I had not got it here, had I not done it.

– They come with a box with a little of each.

How goes the day in the nation!-the phone from the retiree, former lastvognschauffør Antonie A., who is 67 years old. Antonie does not have much money to do good with – some months there are less than 1500 € for the food and pleasures – but when the young people from the association Stop Waste Locally have been by with their box, then she touched:

– In the day there was f.ex. a small bouquet of roses, vegetables, bread, fruit, cold meats. Sometimes there is meat, and it mostly has past its sell-by date the day after or the same day.

– I eat it with pleasure and is so deeply grateful.

– in fact, I have not received flowers since my husband died of cancer 10 years ago, ” says Antonie, who after ten years on the disability pension now has his pension 10.165 paid, and so little ATP on the 650 kr and the housing at 2359.

Her rent with heat and water is on the 5500, and so afdrager she is 3400 kr per. month because she still has a debt of 350,000 from the house, there is smoke at the foreclosure auction, since her husband died. Telephone, tv, insurance and electricity runs up in a few thousand per month, and some months bills, so that Antonie must live for under 1500 kr.

– It’s as far from luxury as it can be, ” says Antonie, who get a new box with new and nearly for old goods on Sunday. And she is not the only one who does.
the Rasmus – which is one of the young people who come to Antonie – in cooperation with the COOP organized a madindsamling and subsequent madiddeling on Sunday and Monday, and the expectation is that up to 15,000 poor families, can get help:

– We have volunteers all over the country, who choose to spend their night before christmas eve to help others.

When I started Stop Wasting Local it was because I saw that many people do not have enough money for food in everyday life.

– And in the christmas season it’s just even more important to help as much as we can, because there just are very many, who do not have food on the table or gifts under the tree on christmas eve, says Rasmus Erichsen, and kædedirektør Jesper K. Andersen, a Referendum. says in a press release that he is pleased to be able to help people like Antonie:

– We are constantly working to reduce our food waste, and better anticipate the danes ‘ purchasing behaviour – also during christmas.

– But we know that we never are faced with completely empty shelves at closing time. So we are pleased that we can help someone who needs a helping hand, in this way, says the director, but what do you say?