“The world cup in cross-country”
“the Men’s 15 km was a real thriller.”
“But in the box it was dead silent.”
“Sergey Ustiugov made a comeback, Maurice Manificat competed for the first time in years in a long-distance track event in the world cup.”
“It was set up for drama – and it did.”
“But the viewers only got to see the spectacle. Some comments from Jacob Hård and Anders Blomqvist were not – in nearly 20 minutes.”
“After a while, the channel’s envoy guide the viewers.”
“– We have some audio issues. Anders and Jacob, they are struggling to be able to give you at home the resolution in this race, but in the meantime I can tell you how it goes, ” said Moa Jörnmark directly from Davos.”
“at the same time as tystanden lay heavy over the consignment had Manificat sno management of the Norwegian skrällen Chris Andre Jespersen – and then, in the great drama, get rid of it when the Russian’s Yevgeny Belov, who is livstidsavstängd from the OLYMPICS, did it in the first place.”
“the Sound never came back.”
“the Belovs time was enough for a first place finish – Manificat finished second and Martin Johnsrud Sundby managed to finish to secure third place.”
“the Shipment was completed without the Hard and Blomquist had time to get back.”
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“READ MORE: world Cup cross-country – great guide. race for the race”
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