It may be a coincidence, what is happening this Monday around the Swiss team. Symbolic power, however, has it all.

It is the day of the men’s combination. Carlo Janka is 18., is disappointed and gives an Interview. Later quotes these are some of the “gaze”: “there are no emotions, the mood is as good as dead!” Or: “The Norwegians have a great atmosphere. But unfortunately we do not have the cohesion that it needs in order to be successful as a Team.” And: “We need a Motivator.”

at the same time, somewhere in the middle of Sweden: snowy landscape, picture book, weather, four young men on Schneetöffs. As is now so usual to see all of the pictures a little later on Instagram, by Loïc Meillards, Gino Caviezel, Marco Odermatt and Thomas Tumler, provided with this note: team building.

you have it, apparently, well in the giant slalom team, the slalom riders to hear, how much you push yourself in the Training, such as energy, the atmosphere is loaded. And in the downhill team, so the emotions should be dead, there should be no Motivator?

Just no screaming

Andy Evers is since two years the head coach of this team. He asks: “you Need a Motivator on the Level on which we move?” The Austrian is a soft-spoken, taciturn, analytical. “Kasper” don’t do it, he says, “and Yes: We might not have the mood cannons in the Team. But we are not a football team, we are individual athletes. A cry or something like that would wear off quickly.”

Only the Janka mentioned the Norwegians to prove since three decades, how can this be important to a good mood. There will not be accepted if a non-tearing, maybe it is a cultural question, maybe one of the characters.

Anyway, Janka is not the First, which strikes a critical tone. After last season Patrick Küng had, the downhill world champion of 2015, decided to leave the group, Evers and coach Simon Roth Buhler and the younger riders to join in. The Glarner, who resigned before the world Cup, says: “I had the feeling that the mood in the Team was not always the top. This was also something with Evers, communicative, the Austrians are not so much the professionals. He is a very good Trainer, undisputed, only has sometimes missed the Living.”

Now it was Küng and Janka is a long way from the Form in which they were once. For the Grisons the world Cup ran anything other than satisfactory. For the Super-G, overall world Cup winner of 2010 has not been offered, in the descent, it was ranked 35 in the combination of 18. Place. Evers says: “For me, this is an absolute frustration reaction. Since Anger has been building up in him. The had to get out. But he has chosen the wrong channel for that.” The media namely. Janka is often silent, but he is also one who can clearly speak. And he is rarely without reason.

Sepp Brunner was Evers’s predecessor, before he was dismissed in the spring of 2017. For over ten years he was in charge of the speed team. The Austrian says: “Carlo is a very honest, sincere Person. If he says something, then something may not quite fit.”

missing leadership

Brunner says, the mood in the Team had actually always been good, Feuz, a mood-maker, a rascal”. He is not quiet, but very, very fair.” Also Janka and Mauro Caviezel, he got appreciated for your kind, “these are all characters super types of super”.

Evers, his successor, praises it as the best Trainer in the speed area. Therefore, he locates the Problem elsewhere, further up in the construct of Swiss-Ski, specifically: Alpine-in-chief Stéphane Cattin.

This was expressed in meetings are rare, says Brunner. “He is too quiet. And I had the feeling that he’s not standing behind me. You can’t let a group of trainers to put and make, and if it doesn’t work, is this debt. It is a philosophy from top to bottom, which will also be implemented.” After his release, in the case of Swiss-Ski Brunner joined the Austrian downhill team. The decision, sources in the Association do not agree with him, “runs a train on me. But you are to me.”

Brunner says, that there also needed to be at Swiss Ski, a clear Plan, so that not everything will stay hanging on the group coaches and the head coach. This is Thomas Stauffer, also he is a rather secretive man. Brunner says: “He’s actually always the same. He is not the type of once on the Gas and says: Now you have driven a Dirt. But something like that.”

Dear Expert instead of fire

Stauffer, his Thinking is Clear and to the point, when he talks about the departure of coach Evers: “he’s a quiet guy. But Professional is more important than fire.” With respect to analysis, in video, he was “absolutely excellent”. And Stauffer asks how Evers: “you have to motivate a 32-Year-old?”

The Bernese Oberland wishes, he says that the athletes would talk more, “we will soon have to sit together, and then each must say what fits him.”

On request, wanted none of Janka teammates to his statements. What can be interpreted in many ways.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 22:06 PM