At the presentation of the Atomic driver in the middle of October in the old market, there were some drivers belonging to the vertebrae. They stood in an Offside position – what were you thinking?
Not much. I was used to that.

Next autumn it will be different.
Maybe. But really restless it is likely to be around me. Other drivers are already extremely in the focus. But the attention also.

Before the season, it was said: The Caviezel moves in Training, all of which…
…Yes, Yes, but what I got out of it? Clearly, we Feuz have in the Team, a true indicator. And yet I knew not for sure how good the Form would be. Especially the departure in the summer it is not really simulated, only because of the pace vote. It can then go quickly, and it is the beginning of Winter, in addition to the shoes, it begins with Pondering. I’m glad I can take it now a little looser.

do you Feel your three podiums in the first four Speed-race as a satisfaction for the many setbacks in the past?
The results show: it was worth It to not bite on the teeth, to lose Faith to the Good, even if it was slapped in the face. I had to go many extra miles. Now something comes back.

Video: Second podium of the season for Caviezel The Swiss has also in the Super-G. Video: SRF

The reward for the pain?
(thinks) There was a time when my career is hanging by a thread.

you Thought about quitting?
About a year after my crash in a FIS giant slalom in 2011, I couldn’t get pain-free stairs. I was sent from one specialist to the next, but no one knew what the deal is. You had me already logged in to two further operations, so I would have been a third year in a row. That would have been my end. Fortunately, I found the way to my therapist, Rolf Fischer, thanks to him, everything was better. The operations would have been weak sense, to me, in retrospect, aware of.

you should not have to be in a wheelchair sat.
it was hyped by two, three people. My cruciate ligament was torn and the shoulder is broken. So you put me in the wheelchair because I could hardly walk on crutches. This to me was unpleasant because those who are really in need of a wheelchair, have far greater Worries. On the same day I gave it back to him.

Has modified it through a difficult time as a human being?
I used to be very impatient, wanted to reach all of the targets quickly. With the injuries, I found my inner peace and learned to listen to my body. This was an extremely important process, and finally to me, no one could guarantee a schedule. There was a Phase, as it was for me to not be able to eventually resume a normal everyday life, because I play one and a half years is still football, not stairs could rise.

Who supported you during this process?
it was Important to my brother, Gino. Thanks to him, I was also involved in the world Cup, he drew me in, especially since he drove in his first good results. Without distance, but it wasn’t: I flew to Australia, the stay was a Mix of therapy and school. Couldn’t surf, I am sorry it was not the Australia Trip you can imagine. (laughs)

Gino took place in front of them in the world Cup connection. The balance of forces have shifted a long time ago. How does he take it?
We look good to each other drive us. So we will provoke us in the Training, respectively, in the positive sense, of course. Gino is addressed now sure often feels the greater pressure from the outside. Earlier it was the other way around. Sometimes you will be flooded by the negative signals and currents literally, but you must be able to handle.

How you found these negative signals?
I thought: So now you find yourself fighting with the last of his strength somehow. Then I went to the doctor, and he asked if I wanted to take all this at all to me. Such things you don’t want to listen to that brings you. There were a few people who had really believed in me; that was a shame, but on the basis of this development I built up my environment. There were people, in which I marveled that they were behind me. When it ran again, they were then immediately back.

How do you explain that they found after the breaks quickly re-connecting?
on the one Hand, my therapist prepared me optimally for a comeback. On the other hand, I was able, without fear to return to the slopes. I found confidence in my body very quickly, and Saved I was able to retrieve it again quickly.

Thought: Why is it always me?
In the summer of 2015, I broke my fibula, a few months later, I suffered a setback in training with a similar injury. When everything was good again, I rushed back, the whole Hand was dislocated, and I almost lost a Finger. I thought: Hey, that don’t exist! But I stopped very quickly with the Rag. Pain is nothing Nice, but Peanuts in comparison to other destinies.

To whom do you think?
Silvano Beltrametti is a good example, he impressed me tremendously. His Aura, the fighting spirit he exudes, how he’s doing, despite his handicap, a Sport – this is sensational. We exchange us often, and even Silvano sees that others are worse off than him. He told me once of a little girl who was next to him, the it was not went well. This has shaped me.

you can Feel how the competitors handle after your Done differently with you?
I see myself with almost all well. What is striking is that I’m more respected. Some often seek the conversation with me.

In the Super-G in Val Gardena you will be wearing the red race number of the disciplines-Leaders. They adjusted their targets upwards?
After two races, the has not yet of great importance. The red number is nice, I’ll let you maybe frame. It is important to be able to constant front ride. I’m already 30, but I missed 3, 4 years. And therefore much in front of.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 23:23 PM