In these days, Marlen Reusser needs a little more time, until it is for Training, until she strips all the dress layers over, neck warmer and headband to sit. And yet, the Bernese Velofahrerin trained outside whenever possible. The training role would be in the parlor, on the summer dresses pedals could. “I not like to go. And: The body gets used to the cold,” says the trained Doctor who is starting this season, a professional cyclist and in the summer, the time of the European Games to won. The setting is not alone: All respondents professional athletes also train in the Winter Outdoors.

Simon Zahner, cyclocrossworld professional: Only what the children take

The cyclocrossworld rider moving in perfect cold environment: you wear your race mostly in the freezing cold and wet, but Renndresses as in the summer. “It’s the perfect compromise: it’s never cool, never too warm. We cross riders have always enough bibs, Velohosen and socks,” says Simon Zahner. In his daily life, two things stand out: He drinks very much, four to five liters. “This is my path, even if I have to get up at least Once per night.” In addition, he is not waiting in the Morning before the shower, the warm water, but directly under the shower. “That’s good for me – and then I’m really awake. Otherwise, I needed 30 minutes.” However, he has not, his four children to school.

advice for Amateur athletes in cold to Rennverzicht: Cyclocrossworld riders Simon Zahner. Photo: Urs Flüeler (Keystone)

Zahner remembers a former team-mate, who sent for his cold prevention to the children at lunch after their return from the school to the showers instead of in the Morning. He can shake, but only the head: “You should still be socially acceptable.” And adds: “We are always in the wind, riding on the meadows through Kuhdreck and are thus the biggest risk factor.” Usually Once a Winter, he’s still a cold. Even tea, pitcher way, the following applies: “. I think that’s a beautiful picture: the disease flush out.” Otherwise, he manages “with what is for the kids okay”. Say Pulmex on the chest, Vicks-pen for the nose.

Feel Zahner first cold symptoms, he takes in the evening a hot bath and a Neocitran. “Either it is Morning better, or it has taken you.” The Amateur athletes, the 36-Year-old after the common cold or the flu, advises: “The body tells us precisely when he is back for Sport. And: most of The races are again a year later. It’s worth it to have the Size and say: “This is stupid, but I am now sick and waivers.””

Jolanda Annen, triathlete: vaccination and no drafts

Before the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Annen made Jolanda for the first time, flu vaccination. Since then, she has renewed this always and never have a cold more correctly. “I think, where you can minimize a risk of infection, you should do the same,” says the 27-Year-old. In here, respondents Quartet but it is the only one Vaccinated. The Urnerin is of all of the measures for more caution. You omitted the Greeting with a handshake, if your has a cold, compared To obvious. What provokes in the URI home sometimes irritated reactions. Annens environment has become accustomed, moreover, long been the fact that she does not choose in a Restaurant is always the place far away from the door to sit in the draught.

throughout The year, Anne takes a Multivitamin for athletes, otherwise she eats normal. In the Training, you go in the winter months to run. The bike training you completed, preferably on the role – in which she fears as a fall on the icy road as a possible cold.

Takes Annen throughout the year, multi-vitamin tablets: triathlete Jolanda. Photo: Peter Klaunzer (Keystone)

“Dangerous for the less the training itself, but the time after hard sessions: the body is struck,” she says. You can feel a Scratching in the throat, sets you on a hot Echinaforce drink as well as yourself-brewed ginger-lemon tea. “We have top athletes are sensitive, will feel the in an earlier stage. So I can fend off three of four Times a cold, while the hobby athletes can feel perhaps only once in a timely manner.”

Christian Kreienbühl, runner: break only in case of fever

On Echinacea, the active ingredient of sun hats, also a marathon runner Kreienbühl, when he feels the first cold symptoms. “In addition zinc and Vitamin C,” he says of the two substances, which will be awarded in this Situation, a positive effect. “That’s it. I would like to, if possible, take no medication, is my attitude.” In the Swiss Winter, the 38 knows-Year-old no holding back. He also trained outside in the cold Engadin always. Preventive he takes Vitamin-C-effervescent tablets –if he thinks of it.

Trained always: runner Christian Kreienbühl. Photo: Georgios Kefalas (Keystone)

For the spring marathons in the 38-Year-old, respectively, and a training camp in the South, where the large sizes are easier to complete. The return in the Swiss cold is always the tricky Moment: “The immune system is from the many Training to the Limit – and then blow his head off.” It takes more than a runny nose or a cough to brake Kreienbühl: “as Long as I don’t have a fever, I train.” A year ago, the cold went on for so long that he ultimately had to fit in the planned Marathon. That’s why he tries to keep to the following winter rules: “Not to be late to bed, no output. This weakens the body. In the summer, this is not so important.”

Marlen Reusser, professional cyclist: What lives, stimulates

The conversation with the Doctor Marlen Reusser is an eye opener: Some cold, preventive measures, follow its top-of-sports-ladies and gentlemen, are not assigned according to the Velofahrerin scientifically. To say vitamins and supplements around, the 28-Year-old: “he Who has no lack, nothing needs to take.” Just Vitamin C could even be counterproductive: According to the current study location, it counteracts the free radicals in the body and thus the training effect.

Nevertheless, Reusser brings food to provide valuable input: “I am a Fan of fermented foods such as Sauerkraut, Kefir, make own yogurt and get the milk from the farm. If there is still some life in food, stimulates the immune system the most.”

in Addition, the advice you hear on a regular basis, but rarely consistently translates: “wash your hands Often, or disinfect, crowds to avoid, not with the hands on the face touch.”

a professional cyclist Marlen Reusser makes their own yogurt. Photo: Christian Pfander

nearly importantly, they considered the basic condition of the people: “Psychological health and enough sleep is a X-times more important than an effervescent tablet.”

When the cold hits anyway, also advises Reusser, in listen. “How does it feel in the body? Tired, sluggish? Then it is more than just the nose. Ergo: no Training. But, if only this is not a Problem.”

If the sportsman is really sick, he needs to have primary patient: “Because healthy you will anyway. Just make sure you’re okay. Take a fever-lowering drug, which makes it more bearable. You don’t wrap. And you food good with plenty of carbohydrates.” Preventive excessive fluid consumption, she does not consider, however, says: “Less than to drink the recommended three liters, is counterproductive.”

Created: 28.11.2019, 10:55 PM