The 1:5-swatter against Frankfurt was Bayern’s worst defeat since the 4. In April 2009, when they went against the eventual Champions Wolfsburg, with the same result below. Soon thereafter, the then coach Jürgen Klinsmann had to give up his Post.

Also, the current coach of the record master, Niko Kovac, is under considerable pressure. After the final whistle he said: “After eight minutes, everything was thrown on the pile. Then, we 0:2 layers in the back. We have again made too many mistakes, had too simple ball losses. Slight error will be immediately punished.”

Why the break after eight minutes? Bayern defender Boateng received a Red card and had to start from the place, after he had brought the last man of Frankfurt striker Paciencia of the legs. After this, the game delivery for the home team. Kostic and Sow shot in Frankfurt in the lead, the first goal by Lewandowski just before the break gave Bayern again on the turn to hope. However, in the second half, the Munich-based Defensive completely broke apart.

“I know how the business runs”

Bavarian goalkeeper Manuel Neuer after the game, clear words: “You can’t be here get any five things. But it is not a huge miracle, what happened. It has established a little bit. The coming days will be very restless.”

Which seemed to be coach Kovac is aware when he stepped in front of the microphone. First, he said that he saw the early sending off as the decisive factor in the defeat, but his uncertainty showed on the whole Situation at the Club. If he feel after all the early weeks, the confidence of the club’s leadership still, answered kovač: “How should I know now after the game? My feeling is not important. This is a question you need to ask the person in charge.”

And on the question of the ZDF-reporter, what requirements had not implemented his players in the match against Frankfurt, in concrete terms, answered kovač: “What do you want to know from me now? I don’t have to share with you all.” And then he said nothing more.

In the connection during the press conference, the 48 had a-Year-old is already collected, calm, as he said: “I know how the business runs. I’m not naive or starry-eyed.” Bayern have conceded in the last ten matches, 16 goals against, and next weekend it arrives in Munich to the top of his game against Borussia Dortmund. The pressure at the Säbener Strasse is getting bigger and bigger. (tmü)

Created: 02.11.2019, 20:02 PM