The doctor ordered Katrille abortion pill, but the mother of two children, trust your instincts and ask for a second opinion.Kuopuksesta has become the entire family’s pride and joy. KATRIN family album

She filed for early pregnancy ultrasound examination in march, on a Wednesday in 2017, in order to check whether the newly found pregnancy as expected and to determine how long the pregnancy was.

a Study done with the doctor, however, was the sad news. Katrin in the womb the embryo had no heartbeat – pregnancy was interrupted.

the Doctor gave Katrille medicines that would help to empty the uterus. The evening paper to read the epicrisis of disease report shows that Katri agree with the doctor take his medicine on Sunday, the next day off.

Katri spouse returned home sorrowful that the expected third child would be still a dream.

the Next day the mourning in the middle of the mother awoke suspicion. Investigations taken according to the blood tests the pregnancy hormone was still rising, which seemed to him absurd, if behind, however, had a miscarriage, though the doctor believes that the rise was not sufficient. Katri decided to ask for a second opinion and was already Friday morning time ultrasound examination in private clinics.

I was left with the previous day’s ultra attack so mixed feelings, that I wanted more answers, Katri said.

the Family’s great surprise, the midwife immediately found Katrin in the womb beating tiny heart. According to the new research pregnancy had progressed normally, and the item answered in the seventh week of pregnancy the size. Now, fair a year later, Katrin arm gurgle half a year of vigorous Edith-baby.

Edith, family, small wonder, was born in November, a week before the expected time. KATRIN family album

– When I look at this little baby, so I’m going between a terrible feeling that if I had taken the pills the doctor, he hadn’t. If someone’s instinct would not have said, that there still private, we would not be in him.

the Doctor’s comment did not forget

Katri wants to tell their story, because the events are left to eat away at him. In particular, it was certain the doctor’s words, when the case was afterwards in the hospital.

the Doctor said that “Happiness in the accident, but if you’d had time to take medicines, so that you never would have known that the baby was alive,” She recalls incredulously.

He has not yet been taken to contact the patient ombudsman in the case.

pregnancy nausea and since then, little baby-everyday life in the middle I have not yet pushed it forward. Any compensation I’m not applying to either, but I hate the dismissive attitude that we had in the hospital, She told me.

– Fortunately, we went again into ultra. Usually the people trust the doctor’s word and take drugs which they are prescribed. Fortunately, in this case, I didn’t take them.

the evening paper didn’t reach ultrasound examination of the hospital’s representative to comment on the case.

“sometimes I feel terrible when I think that if I hadn’t trusted my instincts, we would not have this child.” KATRIN family album

the Case is initially published in may 2018.