“The minister: So are we going to get 10,000 more police officers” in five years ”

“Admit it may be difficult to reach the goal.”

“the Government promises 10,000 more employees in the police about five years. Now admits polisminister Mikael Damberg, it will be difficult to reach the goal.”

“– It will be tough, ” he says.”

“Almost all parties promised in the election more employees in the police. According to januariavtalet between the government, the Centre party and the Liberals, should the police have around 40 000 employees on five-year, 10 000 more than now.”

“Earlier this year scrapped the government, an earlier election promise to have Europe’s lowest unemployment next year. It was not possible to achieve.”

“it will be difficult to meet. It recognizes Mikael Damberg, minister for the interior (S) with responsibility for the police since a couple of months.”

“– It is a tough assignment.”

“the Biggest problem is that there are trained too few police officers. The applicant has not sufficient merit to even fill the places. “

“the Government promises, therefore, 10 000 more people employed in the police for five years. How shall it go to?”

“– More will be trained. And more civil servants, which relieve the police so that it can work efficiently, to be engaged.”

“Shall the relationship between the number of civilian employees and police officers be the same as now?”

” I do not see in front of me that we make a powerful change. The whole point of having 10 000 more police services is that we will have more police officers in the whole country.”

“It means that two-thirds of which should be police officers. 1 340 police officers per year will therefore be employed, in addition to those who retire or leave the profession for other reasons. Is it feasible?”

“– It’s tough. But it should go. It is not enough just to look at how many we educate, but people have to want to work remain in the police, the conditions must be good. You must also work with återrekrytering, because they lost some police officers. Especially in the context of the major reorganization.”

“Vallöftet included in januariavtalet between the government, the C and the L. But as far as we can now judge, it will therefore not be honoured?”

“For that it is difficult to find 1 340 new police officers per year, plus replacements for those who retire or quit for other reasons.”

” It is clear that it is difficult. It is a challenge, the largest deployment of police in the modern era. But it is a pleasant task because it means that we will have police officers in the whole country.”

“In January began the 771 persons the police academy. Three weeks later, 12 percent dropped out. A terminskull covers less than half of the årsbehovet of new police officers?”

” We are a little too low in the day, we have to little to educate the approximately 1 300 a year. Where is we need to be and where are we not really now.”

“the fall semester of 2018, there were 800 seats in the national police academy. Now is the 750, despite the fact that they would be extended to 1 020. What is the explanation?”

” We are not up in the level where we need to be. But the police have a plan to accomplish it. We need to build out distance learning. Preparandutbildningar (a kind of internship) has also proven to be successful, you get an accurate picture of the profession.”

“That enrolment is significantly less than 1 020 depends on what then?”

“– the main Reason is that the applicants have not met the requirements. Lots are looking for, the does not meet the requirements. In this case, they had come in, and then it had been full on training. “

“In the average earning of a police officer who was not the head 32 of 100 dollars a month in 2017. For all state employees was the figure of 4 300 sek higher. Is it reasonable?”

” No, I want the police to have attractive conditions and a good wage otherwise we will never reach the goal.”

“in 2010 there were 216 police officers per one hundred thousand inhabitants. Last year it was 196. What do you say about it?”

“– the Population is increasing at the same time as the police organization as soon as shrunk. Then it may the of this effect. It is a reflection of the fact that we trained too few police officers for a very long time.”

“What are the most important measures to come to grips with the polisbristen?”

“– Miljardtillskott to the police in the coming years. They should be used to educate more, to hire more police officers and civilian employees. But for this to succeed, the profession to be attractive and therefore are wages and conditions are important.”

“Many people say that they experience a growing sense of insecurity. They have a right?”

“– They are absolutely right, I think, in our time, perhaps the biggest problem is insecurity. It is not a challenge. It is a problem that we have record of the number of in the shootings. It has happened in all times but the difference now is that the grossly criminal shooting at each other on the open street where people are. It must be crushed.”

“the police federation has launched the idea of a polisberedning, much like försvarsbredningen, where the parliamentary parties will agree on how the long-term trend looks like. It would be good?”

“– I understand the idea. But there are also risks, that you go in and detaljstyr. I think it would be counter to the police an effective organization.”

“Are the police a good area for short-term political moves? We have seen a lot of it the past few years.”

“– Turn on it. It is no coincidence that it is written a lot about the police in Sweden, there are real problems with some police officers in place in some residential areas, with firings and so on. The political response will be to give more money to the police. I think that is a democratic right.”

“Tony Blair, the former labour leader in the Uk, said it would combat these crimes AND forms of causes. Do you think we do it in Sweden?”

“–It’s been a very focus on the police and intensified penalty. But the national police are now saying that the social services need to help us with the youth who are drawn into narkotikagängen. I hope and believe that it can bring about a shift in the debate, that the preventive actions may a greater place. We will never be able to push back the crime, but to prevent the new recruit.”

“– It is not enough to bura in gängledarna if there is a seven to ten guys on the line to take his place.”

“A hot potato, how much do you think that the cooperation between the armed forces and the police shall be built out?”

“– It is a ickefråga for the police. But it is clear that in a terrorsituation they may need help from other agencies, including the armed forces.”

“How are the children to ICE-warriors to be handled, they shall be transported home without their parents or not?”

” first and foremost, it is about the humanitarian aid on the spot; food, water, tents. However, Swedish authorities work in the middle of a war zone.”

“– But it is not a simple question. Swedish legislation is based on helping the children in Sweden. Many of these kids, we don’t even know if they come to Sweden.”

“But they are those who think that the Swedish children will be transported home and taken care of here. What do you say?”

“– We do not intend to bring home some ICE-terrorists to Sweden. The situation of children is analyzed in the Government offices. We can not operate with the municipal social services in Syria or Iraq. But if a child who has Swedish connections, is going to a Swedish embassy we will try it.”

“Has it, as far as you know, come children to the Swedish embassies?”

“You have proposed a tribunal against the ICE warriors, in the war zone. The law should lean against?”

“– It is one of the things that need to be agreed. I think it would be best to deliver justice and to create redress for those affected in an international tribunal in the region. “

“Is there any international law that could be used?”

“– So many that I can barely count them up. Decision by the united nations, säkerhetsrådsbeslut, the european initiatives.”

“this is Mikael Damberg”

“Mission: minister of the Interior (S) then in January of this year, responsible for, inter alia, the police, emergency preparedness and anti-terrorism.”

“Serves: 136 000 kru002Fmån”

“Live: In the condominium in Solna.”

“Career: President of the youth league, SSU 1999 – 2003, member 2002 – 2014, the last two years as a team leader. Minister of 2014-2019. From January, the minister of the interior.”

“the Current: Of by none.”

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