Journalist Abdou Boina from the Comoros. Does that tell you something? No?

How many people have it, and now is the name Abdou Boina a large topic of conversation. The journalist has been the center of a possible stemmesvindel-case at the most recent Ballon d’or awarding of the prize as the year’s best footballer.

In total, 176 journalists from each country to vote on who should receive the golden ball. From the small african archipelago of Comoros was Abdou Boina from the media been selected.

There is just one problem. have not been around since 2012, and Abdou Boina does not exist.

It claims the journalist Toiminou Abdou, who himself comes from the Comoros, from the media Al-watman.

– I thought I hallucinated when I read that, Albalad Comores still existed. The media closed six years ago, and there was never a journalist named Abdou Boina. We had two sportsjournalister – Abdoul, Youssouf for the French version and Sharif Ousseine of the arab, says Toiminou Abdou, according to Marca.

the President of the journalistforbundet in the Comoros, Stepahne Ahamadi, know neither does he.

– There is no history of a named Abdou Boina.

I could understand if France Football had made a mistake, and the journalist belonged to a different medium, but the person does not exist, says Stepahne Ahamadi, according to Marca.

Boina should have given his so-called votes to Kylian Mbappe, Luka Modric, Cristiano Ronaldo, Eden Hazard and Mohamed Salah in the order of the most points for the former and lowest for the latter.

A journalist from Trinadad and Tobago also believes that his voices have been used in a wrong order.

however, It is not the first bad publicity of this year’s Ballon d’or-prisshow. Dj Martin Selveig created outrage when he asked this year’s female footballer Ada Hegerberg, of the Norwegian footballer could twerke, when she received the award.

This caused great controversy, after which the dj then had to apologize for his opinion.

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